How It Started - Prologue 3

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Dear Jake, 

Apparentally we have to be penpals now. How are you? How old r you? What's it like living in England? My teacher made me ask that. I'm 6 years old and Im Good. R there a lot of British people there? Are you British? Do they talk funny with longer Os and no ER? I've seen a lot of British people on TV in the movies my brother does. He is gunna be famous someday and he does a good funny accent. Are you on TV??

my name is Dirk. I'm from Texas and I live in America, but I live in Illinois. It is CONFUSING. It's nice here but it's really hot in the Summer, like fire. Really hot fire. Burning fire. 

Here is a picture of my face that the teacher is making me put on here. I lost my tooth last week! Then thers another one is wobbly!

I hope you get this letter and that the mail mans' dog does not eat it. They do that some times. I saw it on TV.

I hope it is sunny there!!!



Deer Dirk,

Both our names have a K in it!! Im tip top very good and I am nearly 6 too!!! When I turn 6 we can be best friends!! It's very nice living here i live in the counterysyd and i have a very nice garden. Its got tomatos in it right now! I wood send you one but Miss wont let me. I have a british accent and its not FUNNY! I am not on TV but someday I will be! 

YOU'RE BROTHER IS FAMOUS THATS SO COOL!!! Does he do movies? I love movies. theyre always really good! 

My name is Jake and Im from England and I live in England. It is not VERY confusing but the sentence makes me DIZZY. I like England because it's very pretty and i can run around here.

My birthday is to morrow and then we can be friends! I have 2 wobbly teeths but they wont come out yet!! Maybe I'll get it to the door and pull it out. It will be fun! Im not scared of it!

 My grandma has alot of dogs but they didn't eat youre letter. I hope they still dont. 



P.S. I lied it is sunny :P

P.P.S. That's a photo of me dont laugh!

P.S.P.S. Bye!


Dear Jake,

Apparently this is our last letter to each other with school and I have just about as much a clue about what to say as a celebrity knows about how to deal with a break up without lashing out and shaving off their hair or getting into gone wild magazines. All of this just because this school doesn't do grades any higher than the 5th - how stupid is that? It's not normal. I think I'm going to start getting homeschooled. This school system is really annoying and they keep giving me extra classes like I'm clockwork. My gears are going to break, dude, and no one in this class is up to my level. 

5 years. That's how long we've been sending letters to each other and that's a long time. Even after that day when the teacher said everyone would swap pen pals and we had to get my Bro to specially request to keep penpalling each other or whatever it's called. It'd be a real fudging shame to let 5 years go to waste, so I'm gonna leave a few other social accounts on here. (God it's hard not to swear in these letters how did I manage it this long). 

Skype: ThisCallsForRevolution

Pesterchum: TimaeusTestified

Facebook: Dirk Strider

Twitter: TheAbsconditis


My number: 1557 - 212 - 2413

Hope at least one of those helps us to stay in contact but anyways it's been really above everything else to talk to you. 

Your "spiffing" insufferable friend,

Dirk Strider


Dear Mr. Strider,

I think it'd be very delightful and quite the upper for us to continue speaking. So very 'cool'. Has it really been FIVE years? Yes, the drawers of letters I've received from you really are quite full at the moment I had never realized. It is quite strange - my school goes up through senior school and into sixth form, though I suppose that means just as much to you as 'middle school' or 'SAT's do to me. SATs are completely different here in England than what they're in the United States Of America. 

I remember that! It was VERY kind indeed - my grandmother even personally went into my school and would have had a word with the headmistress! It would have caused the biggest fuss, a lot of hullabaloo just to talk to you isn't it! I swear, some of my pals over here must think that we have some sort of a more serious relationship forming! Wouldn't that be quite the story? Rather like, an obsessive fan fiction. 

That's quite the list of social media you have! I really only have Pesterchum or email - and sometimes keeping track of those already exceed me! It's extraordinary that you can keep up with all those. You said that you have more? You must be very on top of what you do, Strider. 

I'll keep track of all the ones I possibly can. Thank you for putting up with me for 5 years and having to ask silly questions like 'who is your role model'. I can hardly believe how we never contacted each other like this before! It's unbelievable really - 2 very top notch brainy guys never thinking of using Internet to contact each other. 

Tally ho! And have a "spiffing" time indeed, Dirk, 

Jake English. 

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