Be The New Kid - Chapter 4

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I walked out of Maths and back into the corridor, prepared with a staggering amount of new textbooks. How was I supposed to learn all of this shit in 4 years of what's called 'high school'? I miss having the concept of upper school and college. Which way was the lunch hall anyways?

Not to mention Dirk went to school here. What a snapping plot twist above everything else that has happened in the past view weeks. 

"Hey, new kid!" Came a outspoken voice from behind me. Shit. I waited for a wave of what was bound to be some form of slander, but wasn't. A girl with bleach blonde hair placed her hand on my shoulder but didn't stop walking forward. "Jake, right? British? Hott-ish? You're probably lost, let me show you to the cafeteria." Was she flirting with me or just being a forward American?

"Okay, that's... very nice.. of you." Was all I could slowly piece together as we moved at alarming speed towards the 'cafeteria'. Fuck, this queue is long.

"Here's our equivalent to heaven!" The girl exclaimed. "You'll learn to see food as something to keep you going instead of something delicious. One of the biggest life lessons of the school." At least I get to spend it with the female alongside me.  It would be tiresome to wait the entire time by myself. 

"Yes." I reply back. "The food looks.." I catch a glimpse of a pile of pink-orange slush being put onto a plastic tray. My oesophagus is pulled out of me. "What it's supposed to be?" 

"Tofurkey. Happy meatless Monday!" A playful punch landed on my arm. 

"Tofurkey? Tofu? Or Turkey?" I question. "Both?" The girl shrugged, ends of her mouth moving down. "Yet the world complains about British food." She laughs at the pretty shit joke and I laugh slightly as well. 

"You're pretty cool, Jake." 

"Thank you.." Only then did it strike me that I didn't know her name.

"Lalonde. Roxy, Lalonde." What? 


"Roxy." She stated, smiling.

"Oh," I thought for a second. "Did you say it like that because I'm British?" 

"You see," Roxy wrapped an arm over my shoulder, leaning slightly. "Here is someone who understands me." I smiled. A friend has been made. I hope she only wants to be a friend. Finally, we approached the actual food buffet to be served our set of discombobulated meal of Tofurkey. It did not look like something that should be going into ones mouth. It did not look like anything tangible I knew of. 

"Hey, Margaret." Roxy sparked up a conversation with the hair netted woman over the counter. "How's the marriage going?" 

"Horrible, but don't let me bore into your innocent youthful minds." Was the raspy reply from a red nosed lunch worker.  A pile of 'food' was placed onto the tray and I gave a thank you. 

"Come on, let me hear about it, I got all the time in the world and remember I'm Miss. Zipper Lips, no one will know." 

"Well..." A groan ensued from the people waiting for food. Knowing conversation would ensue, I looked across the dining hall to see if I could spot Dirk anywhere. Besides Roxy, he was still the only other person that I knew in this place. Maths and the sciences neither much conversation to the new kid neither a Monday. It was definitely him - no one else in the world had the same gravity proof styled blonde hair. No one else in the world hid their eyes and personality behind a set of pitch black triangular sunglasses. 

There he was. Huh, what serendipity! He was already looking the same way at me! My face perked up into a smile. I held onto the tray of slosh that was in front of me and turned to Roxy before focusing in on the ends of the conversation. 

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