🌊y o u🌊

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You hadn't been under the rain for even a minute and your hair was already sticking to your neck like glue while you were trying to get away from the familiar person running after you. The water on the ground splashed loudly under your feet as you carelessly walked into puddles, feeling how the socks were slowly absorbing the muddy water.

"Y/n! Wait!" Baekhyun yelled from behind you but the last thing you wanted to do was exactly stopping in your tracks and hear what he had to say. Because you had missed him so incredibly much, so much that it had hurt you like it shouldn't have after barely two months of knowing each other. Baekhyun had been that kind of person to whom you'd get close with easily, but you and Baekhyun hadn't simply grown close, you felt so attached to him, you felt like you could tell him everything, you had the faith of a friend you'd known your whole life in him. 

But the way he had neglected you for whole weeks like nothing had ever happened, only for you to see him with other company, smiling so carelessly, just like he had done with you, it broke your heart. It made you feel like discarded crumbled paper. Who had he taken you for? Moreover, what had you done for him to distance himself so suddenly? You had made sure to treat him the best, to always give him your wholehearted honesty and friendship. How could he just throw that away?

The hot tears contrasted with the cold rain droplets falling on your face, teeth digging deeply into your lip and arms hugging your waist to somehow protect yourself from the shivers. However, you had underestimated the said boy's running skills because suddenly, your arm was grabbed and the balls o your feet spun around, and soon a panting Baekhyun came into your view. His brown hair was drenched, attached to his forehead. Unwillingly, you took notice of the way his shirt clung tightly to his body when absorbed with water but shook the thought immediately away, remembering why your eyes were watering in the first place. 

His chest was heaving deeply up and down while he looked at you wildly.

You yanked your arm away from his grip, but Baekhyun didn't hesitate to grab you again, this time by the hand, unintentionally pulling you closer.

"Let me go, Baekhyun." The hurt that flashed through his face made you almost regret the venom dripping from your voice, but he was the one who hurt you here, not the other way around, he had no right to give you that look. It was unfair, he knew you wouldn't be able to keep being cold towards him if he looked at you like that. Gritting your teeth together you pulled away once again, and he finally spoke.

"No Y/n, I'm sorry-"

"Sorry for what?" You had no idea where the cold laugh came from but you could feel your own body getting covered in chills at the sarcastic tone in your voice.

"Sorry for leaving me hanging like that? For neglecting my calls and messages, and ignoring me when I needed you? Do you think a sorry is going to fix the way it hurt me?" Your arms gesticulated furiously as you let your frustrations out, the lump in your throat was becoming bigger and it became harder to speak while the tears welled at your eyes when the nights you spent crying yourself to sleep flashed through your eyes. Baekhyun had clearly meant more than just a friend for you to take it this bad. It was something you wouldn't yet admit for yourself, the way your heart felt about him.

Baekhyun's eyes were painful and his frowning lips were all you needed to know how much he was hurting as well. He stood still for a while, lips opening and closing dumbly repeatedly while he tried to find the right words.

"I just- I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear, please-"

"Then why Baekhyun? It's me, right?" You spoke under the hiccups bubbling from your throat and Baekhyun was already shaking his head in protest, taking steps closer which made you step away from him.

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