🐈l o o k a t m e🐈

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A frustrated sigh stumbled from Baekhyun's pouted lips as he eyed you from the other side of the table, he had been doing that for the past five minutes, in the beginning, you had thought it was just him feeling relaxed, but he continued doing it repeatedly. The comforting scent of coffee that flowed in the air spread a beautiful warmth within your chest and you looked at him questioningly while running an affectionate hand down the kittens back as it lovingly leaned into your touch, small purrs reaching your ears.

The weather had just recently started to become chilly, at this point, fall was just around the corner and you couldn't be gladder to spend a cozy afternoon in a cat cafe with your favorite person. Baekhyun was wearing an incredibly large sweater that made him look very cuddly and you had to try really hard not to ditch the extremely cute kitten rubbing the side of its face on your thigh to go and pet him instead. On his head was his one of his favorite beanies as the fringe of his light-pink hair softly kissed his eyebrows. The round glasses resting on the tip of his nose were a cherry on top to his adorable outfit. 

"What's wrong?" You asked confusedly, you were in a place that both of you had wanted to be in, you couldn't see why he would make that face at the moment. He looked at you from under his lashes, the frown on his lips by now a permanent expression on his soft features. Another sigh left him as he leaned with his cheek into his palm, looking at you helplessly, his gaze flickering from your eyes to cat sprawling itself into your lap.

"I came here for the cats but I should've known you were a cat magnet," He mumbled, "Now your attention is only on them while this is supposed to be a date with me and you." he didn't miss the chance to emphasize the 'me' in his sentence as he complained. You could see it that he was speaking halfheartedly because in his diamond-like orbs was a little glint of adoration.

You couldn't help the soft smile that curled on your lip, carefully lifting the cat from your lap and letting it down just beside you, only to lean over the table so that your face could be closer to Baekhyun's, the look in his eyes changed into a childish mischievousness as he did the same.

"The cats are cute... I love them and all," You started off, adding a hint of flirt to your words as you hooked a finger on his chin, bringing him even closer. "But there's nothing that I will ever like as much as I like you," the words were sweet, obnoxiously so, and although anyone one else would've felt caries on their teeth, Baekhyun just loved the sugar-coated words, he adored them, and you could tell by the face-splitting smile that erupted on his whole face as he leaned further in.

"Perhaps that's all I wanted to hear," He purred against your lips before capturing them into a sweet kiss.

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