1 year anniversary

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The keys jingled in the key hole and the door opened. His breath jagged. "Hey honey, Sorry I'm late".

My mind automatically tune his out long and exaggerated excuse as to why he was late. I've heard it all before and now it has become a routine. 

It was always long the lines of, " oh my boss needed me to stay late" or "sorry there was traffic."

I continued scribbling numbers down for my dance routine. I wasn't sure how to continue the next part and I sure as hell wasn't going to ask my boyfriend, DaeSeok, for help.

He wasn't the type to dance. 

It was too late for me to drive the the dance studio that was 30 minutes away. So I decided to just stop for the night. 

I coughed to get Daeseok's attention. "There's uhh... Dinner on the table I can heat it up for you real quick. 

"Aww babe, you didn't have to go through all that trouble for me. "

It wasn't out of my way, today was our 1 year anniversary. 

I frowned,  I guess he really ..didn't remember.

"But it's okay. I already ate... O-out with the company" He said with a smile and rubbing his stomach. " yeah the company" he repeated, emphasis on the 'the'

He reeked of alcohol and cheap perfume, that was somehow a familiar scent to me. I moved that thought to the back of my head, not wanting to bring it up for us to have another fight.

I scoff at his action. I didn't eat because I was waiting for him. I made my way to kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. I chugged the whole cup and then some and went to bed. 

I watched the clock that read 11:59 change to 12:00. 

Its midnight. 

Another day and I sighed.


"So he didn't remember or was he just messing with you?" My older sister Nara asked sipping on her lemon water. Shes on another diet, i just roll my eyes. 

"He came to my apartment and said he already ate" I rolled my eyes " And he had a smile on his face and rubbed that fat stomach of his" 

His place was closer to his job but he promised he'd come over.

Nara giggled " Hes not fat, he has abs and you know it Nayeon" 

I furrow my eyebrows at her comment. 

How would she know that Daeseok has abs?  

I sighed and looked out the window. The sun was out, little girls played with chalk on the sidewalks, the boys playing soccer. The old ladies washing and salting the napa cabbage prepping to make kimchi and  other various side dishes. 

I smile at the thought that our grandma used to along side her friends and make us mini kimbap rolls and seeing the joy we brought her when she would feed my sister and I. 

"Nara, don't you miss halmeoni?" I pointed outside to where I was looking. 


Yass finally a  Park Jimin book lool although hes not in this chapter

These chapters are going to be short ish....  but I'm thinking about making it a bit longer book to make up for it?

I dunno let me know what you guys think.

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