ꏥChapter 2-Take Off? ꏥ

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       The sky was a dark shade of red. The air smelled of smoke and blood, making Virus gag whilst the small, fur-like spikes on his shoulders and back rose defensively. Everything ahead was nothing but a fiery wasteland.

       Virus tried to speak, or rather yell, but his voice sounded muffled and he realized that there was no sound coming from the vast, red land. He wanted to dive into the safety of his own apartment with his siblings, but there were no building, much less any signs of life, and the only 'life' he found were shriveled plants previously set ablaze. But by what? He thought desperately.

       He walked forward, where he saw a large arch. No...it can't be! He tried bolt towards it but he could only walk as rocks snagged his claws and ripped up his paw pads. After what felt like eons, he reached the arch, (Xaviop) which had been the center of the city. It was the gateway to Saedi, the moon, and it was giant. It was the biggest building on Tiirgnyx, and it housed huge ships, labs and way more. Virus only been there once in his whole lifetime. And now, it was destroyed. Wires and enormous tubes dangled from what were once windows, glass was gathered everywhere around it. Various pieces of technology and spaceships lay in heaps.

       Virus opened his eyes and saw Data poking him with his claw. "IS HE DEAD? GUYS! I KILLED HIM!" He screeched into the hallway, and suddenly Virus heard the sound of claws tearing up wood in order to not fall.

       "Gosh, I hate this floor!" Glitch muttered. He peaked at Virus, who had apparently fallen asleep in the flipping closet of he and his brothers' room."Data! He's not dead. Stop giving poor Lockdown a heartattack." He pointed to Lockdown, who was weeping in the corner. Glitch sniffed. "Come on, we have to go. Viper already called."

       Virus hopped away into the hall. He was glad that he had packed his stuff prior to his 'nap'.

       Virus, Glitch, Data and Lockdown  found Viper lashing his tail with impatience once they arrived at Xiannitro. He was on the sidewalk, basking in the sunlight on one of the rocks that were for breaks for the dragons. I guess hybrids count too! Virus thought.

       "There you four are." Viper murmured. The mane of fur along his head and spine seemed to bristle. "We better go. We're more late than we should be." He said distractedly. He leaped off of the rock and Virus could've sworn he heard the creak of metal bending into place.

       Viper lead them into Xiannitro, where he told them he had to grab some things and stalked away through a door signed 'Viper only!'. A few moments later he returned and looked terrified. He gasped for breath as if he'd been running to them. But he doesn't look exhausted. Viper is strange. Virus thought.

       Glitch looked impatient. "Well?" He hissed

       "Earthquake! This is why we're going to Saedi! Follow me." Viper said, and bounded away again.

       Virus saw Data and Lockdown follow him, with Data shrieking about the destruction of his favorite plushies. "I don't trust him." Glitch growled as they followed more slowly. "I don't feel any earthquake."

       "Be grateful you don't. We're lucky to have early warnings. We—" Virus was cut off by a loud rumble and they ground shook. He dug his claws into the dark marble floor. Glitch shoved him after the others and they found Data, Lockdown and Viper waiting by the elevator, impatient with fear. Virus realized they they'd taken everything for their interstellar trip.

       Viper instantly bristled as they leaped inside. "Idiots!" He muttered and slammed a claw on the 'down' button.

       Lockdown flinched. "Down?! You're going DOWN?!" He screeched.

       The fur on Viper's spine and head fluffed out. "We're leaving! They can deal with the earthquake. We have a planet to save." He ran his claws down the blue and black fur to smooth it, and his tail curled around his feet.

       Finally, they reached the last level. Viper pointed his tail towards Data and Glitch and Lockdown. "Get our stuff. I'm gonna get us a ship. Virus, you're coming with me." He ordered.

       Virus hesitated, but followed him out of the elevator. They were in some sort of storage station. Random scraps of metal and broken down test-spaceships were in one half of the huge room. There was a huge gate at the very end, with yellow and black stripes. For leaving, I guess. Virus saw Viper's tail disappear around one of the ships, and he saw him extend his claws as the ground trembled again and heard a loud squeak from Data.

       "Here! Quick!" Viper gestured to one of the newer ships. "Help me move this towards the gate, or we'll never get through."

       Virus helped Viper push it, and he felt his claws dig up old stone from the floor. And finally, Viper opened the gate once the ship was close enough.

       "Get everyone else," Viper ordered breathlessly, he collapsed onto the ground with his tail curling and uncurling.

       He's too young and weak! Virus thought and nudged him into the ship. He rushed to his brothers. Data was crying, Lockdown was encouraging him and Glitch just hissed with annoyance. "Come on," Virus urged them. "Or WE WILL LITERALLY ALL DIE!" They joined Viper and staggered as the whole of Tiirgynx shook beneath their paws.

       Viper had recovered, with his usual judgemental, authoritative look, though his fur was bristling. He hopped into the control center and closed the doors. "Let's get this over with." He snarled.

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