ꏥChapter 3-Who Turned Off The Gravity?ꏥ

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Virus watched Data bounce around. He was sniffing around every single corner. Viper was watching him as well, eyes narrowed and tail twitching irritably. Glitch was fidgeting with his claws while Lockdown was talking to him about stuff he wanted to see when they got to Saedi.

Viper flexed his claws and gave Data an annoyed glare. "Hey small purple child!" Data squealed with alarm and slashed at Viper with his claws sheathed. Viper just snorted.

Virus was prepared to defend his smaller brother and he gave Viper a warning glance. Viper purred with amusement at Virus, saying Relax! It's fine.

"Data why don't we play a game?" Viper offered.

Data's eyes widened. "Yes! What's it called?"

Virus saw Viper's tail weave itself towards the control center of the ship, to a small dark blue button. He flinched. WHAT IS THAT FOR? "It's called Who Turned Off The Gravity!" Virus relaxed.

Data suddenly frowned, his eyes shining with confusion. "But Lockdown told me gravity doesn't exist!"

Lockdown flinched mid-conversation and choked on purpose. "Excuse me—" he paused to cough, drew in a huge breath and continued, "I did no such thing, little dude."

Data's tiny claws extended. "You did so!"
Virus stared in wonder. "Lockdown you idiot!" He managed to say in between laughs. Data still looked confused.

Viper purred, and his tail pressed the button. You jerk! Virus thought as things began to float. He dug his claws into a cushion on a seat. Lockdown watched Data closely and Glitch was snarling at Viper, who apparently was setting up cards for Lockdown and himself.

"WE'RE DYING! VIRUS I LOVE YOU!" Data shrieked as grabbed a random, thin metal pole. He wailed with terror. "LOCKDOWN YOU'RE SO FUNNY I HOPE I GET TO LISTEN TO YOUR JOKES WHEREVER I END UP! GLITCH YOU'RE MEAN BUT I LOVE YOU TOO!" His terrified gaze shifted to Viper. "WHEN I DIE I WILL WATCH YOU SIT IN JAIL FROM THE HEAVENS!" He screeched at the dragon hybrid, who was crying with laughter.

Virus choked back a growl of rage. Viper has no right to terrify him! He bunched his muscles and leaped to the button. He pressed it and fell to the floor. He heard Data's desperate shrieks of anger, and a thud and screech as Viper fell.

"Well...now you know how to play." Viper muttered and went back to his spot in the control center. "We'll stop at one of the smaller bases. We're almost at Saedi, but the place we need to go is faced away from us."

Glitch glared at Viper. "Why are we stopping?"

Viper shrugged. "Just to prepare a bit more."

Glitch didn't say anything else but glanced at him suspiciously.

"Prepare for what exactly? Thought we had everything we needed." Virus muttered.

Viper ignored him with a flick of his tail. Does he ever say what he's doing? Virus thought with frustration. He looked out of the window, and could make out one of the huge tubes connected to Saedi for transport and an overall easier way to get there. Virus wondered why Viper hadn't gone that way. It seemed perfectly logical to go through the transport tubes instead. Maybe he didn't want to get in everyone's way. After that earthquake, there will be lots of people there!

Virus was so lost in thought that he didn't realize they were on Saedi until he heard the loud sound of Viper docking the ship, and the sound of air being released as the door open and Viper's tail vanished through it. "I'll be back in just a second." He promised.

"Virus," he heard Glitch call him. He sat beside him, and his claws were slightly extended. "Don't you think it weird that he's stopping here?"

Virus shrugged. "So? As he said, he's probably just preparing. This is a huge mission..." he said awkwardly.

Glitch's eyes narrowed with frustration. "I'm following him. Data and Lockdown can hold down without us," then he looked at Virus coolly. "Unless they can't hold down anything without help from our perfect little dragon-hybrid friend."

How could he say that? He assumes I'll defend Viper instead of him and our brothers! "We don't need Viper. But I trust."

Glitch snorted. "You're too trusting, Virus. And I'm still going."

Virus flinched, stung by his accusations. "I'll come with. I won't let you get lost in some creepy base!"

"Sure you won't." Glitch muttered.

He headed for the door, and Virus followed closely. Outside of the ship was a large, empty room. It was filled with ships ten times bigger than their own. The ceiling was a tangle of tubes, and there were lots of catwalks that lead up to it, and to the huge ships. And as Virus and Glitch stepped out, Virus realized how slippery the floor was. His claws couldn't dig into it. If we get caught, we'll fall over before we can make it back to the ship!

Virus gave Glitch an expectant look, and he nodded towards a doorway far ahead of them. That must be how you get in here. Duh.

He noticed Glitch narrowing his eyes, then he hissed in frustration. "I cant teleport!"

Virus just shrugged. "There's probably a lake outside somewhere," he added with amusement, "Unless you forgot Saedi uses water to power itself." He nudged Glitch and the two of them attempted to get across. Virus's claws had extended as far they could, curving into the strange floor just barely. Glitch had done the same and they stalked through the doorway into a hallway. The walls had one orange stripe each that slashed through white, and Virus realized they were in the Pre-Alpha base. And it was miles from the main port! Why in the world did Viper come here?

As they walked through the hall, Virus began to hear hushed talking. Both him and Glitch slowed as they reached a turn. They peaked around it, and say Viper talking another hybrid that didn't have wings, just like Viper. They both sat with their tails curled around their feet. The other hybrid had dull green spikes running from his head down to his tail, where two huge spikes were. He had acid-green markings along his whole body. They look so alike! But Viper has tons of colors. He finally noticed the hybrid's eyes. They were empty voids of green, except for a white slit in each one. He must be blind. But why do i feel like he can see Viper?

"I don't see the point in what you're asking." The hybrid told Viper.

Viper bristled. "You don't see at all! Just meet me at the port, okay? I have friends to get back to," he spat the word friends as if he didn't see Virus and Glitch and their brothers as such. "Thank you soooo much, Acid!" Viper snarled and pushed past him, still on all four legs. "I have stuff i got to get."

Glitch's eyes flashed with alarm. "Run!" He whispered, and they bolted back they way they came and launched themselves across the weird, impossibly slippery floor. Virus smashed into the side of the ship. Dizzy, he leapt inside after Glitch and caught his breath.

"Who was that?" Glitch gasped.

"Who was who?" Asked an innocent voice behind them; Data's. "And where were you? I had to play awful card games with Lockdown!" He wailed.

"We..um..just went to see if Viper was alright." Virus replied uncertainly. I wonder what would have happened if he caught us?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2019 ⏰

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