I Will Climb

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I will climb to that cliff.
It's only that I don't know
What there is behind it.

I'm curious.
But I'm not motivated enough
To try.

No one has ever made it
And came back to tell me
What they found.

My friends, they have a telescope,
And so do my family
They showed me.

But their telescope is only capable
Of seeing up high
And not beyond the cliff.

I almost climbed once,
But I broke my spirit and I bled.
I've been afraid ever since.

Everyday a person does climb.
And I wait for them to tell me
What I'm missing.

But they speak nonsense,
And they speak no more.

I climb.
I'm struggling with those rocks;
Sometimes they fall on my head.

I persist.
It's so far up,
I must carry on.

No way, my arms are failing me.
Extra help from my feet,
It's failing too!

And my healed spirit is not
Willing to let me fall,
So I climb.

I can dream of the treasure
Waiting for me atop.
And I'm almost there.

Or could it be so bad!
Might it kill me?
Too late to jumb down now.

I just hope that
It's not all for nothing.
What a sad ending!

Here I am!
It was a mountain all along!

I sit on the cliff,
I yell to them down,
"I don't think that I will make it."

They can't hear me.

Unsure of what might be
Beyond the other cliff,
I'm curious.

But not motivated enough
Even though no one
Of those who climbed before me
Was there when I came.

I'm scared.
What if it were a volcano!

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