First Day Back

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( A/N : By the way, before you guys start reading, I created Daoming Yue based on my own imagination and I apologize if my character sounds similar to other author's but I promise I did not copy anyone. And also I wrote this story before reading any other Meteor Garden Fanfics on Wattpad.)

" Ah Si! Hurry up! We're going to be late! It's the first day of school!" the brunette yelled as she knocked, well, more like pounded her knuckles against her brother's door.

It was their last year at MingDe and she had wanted to start off the new school year nicely. But of course, like every other year, nothing goes as planned. Honestly she shouldn't even be surprised anymore, with her brother pulling the same crap year after year. Whether it be waking up late, not being able to find his car keys, or taking too long to shower. 

Like right now.

" I swear to god Ah Si! If you don't come out right now I'm leaving without you!" 

" Okay, I'm coming! Stop yelling already!" He shouted as he came out.

Alright, let's rock and roll.


Shancai had just finished her orientation thingy, basically her introduction to MingDe and was currently showing Li Zhen the pictures she took of Mr. Bobbit.

" Hey, look at my pictures," the girl said as she scrolled through the pictures.

" Shancai, you got really good ones!" Li Zhen was amazed. " Send this one to me. I'm making birthday emojis."

" Is it your birthday? Happy Birthday!" Shancai turned towards her friend.

" Happy Birthday!" Qinghe repeated. 

" It's not today, it's in two days." Li Zhen laughed.

" I sent the picture," 

" Okay,"

Qinghe, Li Zhen and Shancai were all watching a video off Shancai's phone, oblivious to the commotion around them. A huge group of girls suddenly crashed into her, causing the said girl  to drop her phone. Shancai's eyes widened when it got lost in the crowd. 

Determined to get her phone back, she got down and started to look for it. However, it was constantly getting kicked around by people like a football, making the process of retrieving her phone harder than it already was.

Finally, her phone had settled in one place and Shancai felt a huge wave of relief wash over her. Right when she was about to grab it, a pair of green shoes stepped on her phone. 

In that moment, all her hopes were shattered, she could even hear the dramatic crack sound as the person stepped on her poor phone. When the crowd cleared out Shancai was finally able to get her phone back, with a huge crack on the screen...of course.

Li Zhen and Qinghe watched as their friend started mumbling curses under her breath. They could basically feel the anger and frustration radiating off her. 

The next half hour was all blur for Shancai. All she remembered is trying to find that pair of green shoes, but a misunderstanding caused everyone to think that she was trying to attack Mr. Bobbit, resulting in her getting sent to the head office.

What a great first impression, am I right?

After being let out of the office, she went back to her locker, trying to get her phone to turn on. Surprise surprise. It was dead, literally dead

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