Abandoned: Part 2

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A/N: Haha, so...I lied. Do you want the calm explanation or the dramatic one? Too bad, I'm giving you both.

Now, my dear children, (yes some of you may be older than me, but...whatever) this is the result of being a professional procrastinator, highly do not reccomend doing this as a job. :)

In other words... I'M SORRRYYYY. ONCE AGAIN PLEASE DON'T KILL ME. I'LL TRY GETTING MORE UPDATES OUT. But now that I'm at home because of Covid-19, I'm getting bombarded by even more homework from my teachers than normal. How does that even happen? Ok, fine I know a lot of you have been waiting for a new chapter to come out, and I'm sorry I'm posting this at like 2:47 a.m. (Canadian time at least) So here's the new chapter you've all been waiting for, I'm sorry if it's bad. Oh yeah, this is unedited btw. :)

Yue's P.O.V.

  I was sitting in my room, my hair in a messy bun, my glasses on, reading Percy Jackson and The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan.

I heard a faint knock on my door and looked up from my book.

" Lei, I know it's you, come in." I spoke.

Lei opened my door and sat down next to me on my bed. I closed my book and rested my head on his shoulder.

" Why? Why would she just leave us like that?" I asked. I could feel the tears gathering up again.

Lei didn't say anything as he just wrapped me into a side hug and started stroking my hair, which reminded me of Liang. Even though Lei stayed silent, I knew he was also in pain, probably worse pain than me.

I knew it was best not to say anything, so we just sat there in silence, letting the tears steam down our faces.

After a while, Lei finally spoke, " Remember how we all first met?"

I smiled at the memory. " How could I forget. We were all in kindergarten and the moment the four of you laid eyes on Jing, you four instantly had a new crush." I recalled.

" Remember that time with the Silly String?" I asked.

Lei laughed softly, " Yeah that was all Ah Si's fault."

And that's how we continued on with our night. Talking about memories of the days we were small, innocent children.


The next day, F4, well minus Lei and my brother, Qinghe, Shancai and I were all at the airport to send Jing off. I skipped my classes today because I didn't feel like going to school and getting stuck in a boring lecture.

We were standing around Jing's terminal waiting for her and possibly Lei to arrive. Why were we waiting for Jing to come? I dunno. Why do we have to wait for the person that is leaving, when we aren't even going anywhere?

" He's been out of reach since yesterday," Ximen told Meizuo. " He knows very well that Jing's leaving."

" He didn't answer my call." Meizuo told Ximen and me.

" Maybe my phone will work." Qinghe said brightly. " Should I call him?"

Ximen, Meizuo and I just looked at Qinghe and looked away.

" Ah Si, isn't Lei with you?" I asked when my brother showed up.

" He's not here?" Ah Si asked carrying a huge box.

Ah Si went to go stand next to Shancai as Qinghe asked, " What's that box for?"

" This? It's a present for Jing. It's something special. I won't just show it to just anyone." Ah Si told Qinghe and the rest of us.

Never Be Alone | Feng Meizuo (METEOR GARDEN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now