The Foreigner

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Yue's P.O.V.

I sighed. Another challenger, another win. Curse Meizuo's amazing memorization skills. I know it should be a good thing, because we get to keep our reputation, but I still felt bad for Shancai. I don't know why I'm so concerned for her. Am I getting too attached?

Qinghe's shouts of protests echoed through the walls of the Bridge Club as Ximen and Meizuo dragged him out. Crossing my arms, I looked to my brother, " I'll get going then, Shancai, you got this,"

And with that, I nodded to the two and walked out of the room. When I exited the room, I could hear the crowd murmuring quietly. I paid it no attention since these things were normal, and continued making my way out of the building.


" Wait, actually?" I asked. Ah Si nodded.

I let out a sigh of relief, but I was still confused. Out of all things? A dinner? I shook my head and chuckled, this brother of mine...

" Bye!" Ah Si said, kissing my forehead, then leaving.

" Don't stay out too late!" I called out to him and went my separate way.

I drove home on my motorcycle, lost in thought. It was when I reached my front doorstep that I had an idea to cure my boredom. Since I checked up on Riku Oppa and Yuki Unnie, why not check up on Liang?

I sat down on the couch and scrolled through my contacts list. Stopping on a certain number, I clicked it and pressed call. Hopefully they're still living in the same house, it'd be so awkward if I called the wrong number. I mean, he usually hangs out with them, unless he's working in the studio-

A voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

" Guys! Quiet down!" I heard a voice yell from the other side of the line. I smiled at the familiar voice. " Hello?"

" Hi San, it's Yue," I laughed.

" Yue?!" San exclaimed. " It's about time that you called!"

" Yue?" another voice was heard in the background. " Wait let me talk to her!"

" No I wanna talk to her!" another voice argued. There was some shuffling and yelling in the background until it went quiet again.

I blinked, " Hello?"

" Hi Yue, sorry about that," a softer voice apologized.

" Oh, hey there Seonghwa," I recognized the voice. " Can I please talk to Liang?"

" Yeah, sure, give me a second," Seonghwa told her. More shuffling was heard, then another voice spoke. But in Mandrin.

" Miss me?" I sighed playfully at the familiar voice.

" Of course," I trailed off. "...Not"

" You're so mean!" Liang whined.

" You're so annoying!" I whined back. The funny thing about Liang was his duality, he could go from stone cold serious to playful and annoying in a span of seconds. That just seemed to be a thing for people in Korea.

" Hey!"

" Hey!"

" I hate you," Liang huffed.

" Wow, love you too," I said sarcastically. " So, how are things in Korea?"

" So you're finally checking up on me after a year?" he asked with fake shock.

" Hey, I checked up on you but you were too busy helping the boys out with their tour," I defended myself.

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