incorrects, cuz why not

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A/N: SO, because I am slow and lazy, this is not a proper chapter, but it's just a bunch of incorrect quotes for entertainment. Also, I've decided that I will just do updates according to my schedule, so if I update quickly, then it would mean they are shorter chapters, but if I don't update for a longer period of time, it would mean it's a longer chapter.


Y: Yue

MZ: Meizuo

S: Ah Si

SC: Shancai

XM: Ximen

L: Lei


S: After you

SC: No, after you

Y, pushing them both out of the way: After me


MZ: How is the most beautiful person in the world doing?

Y: I don't know, how are y-

S, from across the room: I'm great, thanks


Teacher: Can you tell me why you're late to class?

S: Someone told me to go to hell. At first, I couldn't find it

S: But now I'm here


Y, answering her phone: Hello?

S: It's Si

Y: What did he do this time?

S: No, it's me, Si. It's actually me

Y: What did you do this time?


* text convo *

Y: you know, i'm jealous

MZ: hm? why?

Y: your partner is way hotter than mine

Yue has left the chat

MZ: but we're dating-

MZ: wait

MZ: Yue come back here you little-


* at Ah Si's funeral*

Y: We are gathered here today because someone * glares at the coffin* couldn't stay alive and had to be first.


XM: So what's it like to live with Yue?

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