Chapter Thirty-Seven

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A/N: Hey I'm uploading in under two weeks and college is still rolling! I've gotta say, I've impressed myself. Honestly, it took me longer to edit it than write it lmao.

So. Last chapter. Quick recap. Ned broke his arm, Adelaide thought Tony was a thief who broke into the Stark Tower at 3 in the morning to make food (something I'd do lol) and then Adie overheard Coach Graves talking to...who? I guess you'll find out in this chapter ;)

Now about this chapter...I originally wrote it and I realized that a whole lot happened in the chapter so then I split it into two chapters. I guess it works out because it builds suspense and whatever. I don't know, I hope splitting it was a good decision but we'll see. Anyway, in this chapter, Adelaide figures out what Coach Graves is really up to and we get to see a little Spider-Man in action so yay! Also, there's this one super cute scene between Adie and Peter. Like, they don't kiss or anything, but it's still super cute. Is it just me or is it sometimes a hundred times more cute when the characters don't even kiss but they're doing like a bunch of other cutesy stuff? I don't know, I think I'm going crazy. That would definitely explain a lot.

On a side note, I had to give a speech tomorrow in my communications class but GUESS WHAT? WE GOT A SNOW DAY AND THERE'S NO SCHOOL TOMORROW! *happy dance* I'm honestly so relieved, I hate giving speeches because I always start rambling and then mumbling and then it's just a downwards spiral from there. Another side note, I should probably be studying for my biology test instead of working on this chapter but whatever. I'm used to cramming anyway.

MY EYES ARE BURNING SO BADLY. I seriously need to cut down on my screen time. Like, yikes I spend wayyyy too much time in front of a laptop or phone. It's probably not very good for my eyes...

Without further ado, I present to you Chapter 37!

"Brooklyn Nine-Nine is a great show!"

Adelaide struggled to pay attention in any of her classes for the rest of the day. Her mind was wandering to what she had heard Coach Graves talking about in the locker room. He had said something about money...and meeting a woman? What did it even mean? Adelaide realized that there was the possibility that he was meeting a woman for a date, but then she remembered the part about the money and shook the idea away. This wasn't about a date. No, this was about a meeting.

Of course, that made so much more sense. He was meeting a woman and he had money to offer her...But in exchange for what? What was it that he wanted in return and who was that woman? Without those two pieces, this whole thing didn't make any sense.

She could try to guess...Adelaide didn't really know Coach Graves all that well, but he constantly had this...thing around him that gave her the feeling that he wasn't exactly a saint. For one, there was that eye patch. Adelaide had only seen one other man wearing an eye patch and he was director of SHIELD. Despite that, Nick Fury had committed a few crimes of his own. She knew she shouldn't judge by the looks, but it was really hard to not suspect Coach Graves of something dark when he had that eye patch on.

If she was to think along the lines of something dark and illegal, there was a million ways this could go and she didn't like any of them. Or maybe it was something harmless and he was just buying a rare painting from the woman or something. She liked that possibility.

Adelaide tapped her fingers in a furious staccato rhythm against the side of her desk, sighing in frustration. There was no way to tell what the meeting was for. She would never know.


What if she followed him to the meeting? Adelaide quickly threw that idea away. For one, she had no idea when or where it was. And second, what if she was just overreacting? That was always a possibility. Besides, she had hardly enough information to build a guess from. It was maddening.

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