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Note: This takes place about 2 months after Jeromes Circus. Jerome has broken out of Arkham, and needs a quick money grab, so when he hears of the mayor's banquet, and of the fact Bruce is there, he simply must attend.

Bruce's pov-

I mingle with the crowd of elderly council members, and young, greedy politicians. It was such a bore, but I've was always been good at mingling. I had a smile plastered on my face, after talking about so many boring things, I'm surprised that I haven't aged 60 years. After excusing myself from a conversation about local sewer problems, I turn to Alfred and sigh.

"Alfred, when is the meal going to start? This is taking too long!" I said impatiently.

"In about half an hour, Master Bruce." He takes a sniff and frowns. He leans down to me and whispers, "Your omega scent is showing, may I suggest you reapply?"

I nod, and quickly pull out a small bottle from my pocket. It looks like any other lotion, but it blocks smell, allowing me to remain in the alpha world, without fear of being attacked.

Omega's are naturally submissive, but I have been around alphas for so long, that I have learned to push down on my instincts, but if an alpha were to catch my scent, I don't think I could hold my own. Alpha's are insane.

After patting the lotion around my neck, I head over to a group of younger gentleman and introduce myself. We got into a lively discussion of business economics. As I was about to leave their conversation, to ask the mayor a few questions, one of the servers bumped into me, spilling drinks all over my suit. He apologized profusely, but I simply waved it off, it's not like I don't have the money for a new suit.

"Alfred can you help this young man clean up?"  I ask.

He gives a quick 'Yes Master B' and starts helping. I head in to the bathroom to change out of my jacket and fix up my hair. I peel the jacket off of me, it had taken most of the splash, and my white shirt underneath also was okay. I took a towel from beside the sink and wiped the liquor off my arms.

I look at my jacket, and it had red wine stained all across the front.

"Fuck." I said, a bit disappointed, because it was one of my favorite suits.

"Now now Brucie!" A white gloved hand holds a blade to my throat. "What would the ol' butler think of you sayin' such a naughty word?"

My breathing hitched, as I look up in the mirror and see Jerome Valeska holding a knife to my throat.

Jerome x Bruce (Alpha x Omega)Where stories live. Discover now