684 43 2

Overall first position(Categories)

Winning sticker
Permanent follow by the hosts and this account
Critique /Review of your work
Permanent spot on our reading list and on the hosts' reading list.
Shout out in our bio.
Media package i.e covers and aesthetics for your work.

2nd position

Permanent follow by the hosts and this account.
Permanent spot on our reading list and the host's reading list.
Critique/Review of your work.
Shout out in our bio.
Media package i.e covers and aesthetics for your work.

3rd position.

Permanent follow by the host and this account
Permanent spot on our reading list and the hosts reading list.
Critique/Review of your work
Shout out in our bio.



Winning sticker
Shout out in our bio.
Permanent spot on our reading list and this account's reading list.

Remember,you are all winners regardless of the final results. All that matters is to have fun and improve your skills.

Good day.


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