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yet another update... I said I'd spread them out but I'm just to eager to publish this story haha, very sorry if I can't keep up this upload schedule (I will not be able to, at this rate. Although, chapter 11 is in the works!)

John hovered close to my side as we entered the bustling house that the party was being held at. He followed me like a sheep into the kitchen as I took my drinks through, putting the case on the side and getting two bottles out.

"Beer?" I asked, laughing softly at the unsure look on his face. "C'mon. You didn't expect to come and not drink, did you? At least try it." I cracked the lid off of one bottle, holding it out for him to take. It was obvious he didn't have much experience with alcohol. Gingerly, he took a sip from the bottle, smiling slightly once he'd got a taste.

"That's... Not too bad," He murmured, looking down at the bottle. "Maybe I'll have one.." God, he's so fucking cute. Turning away from him, I took the cap off of my own bottle. Hopefully he'd relax a little and hopefully he wouldn't follow me around all night, I didn't know how long I could control myself.

After a while he went off with Freddie and I found myself talking with a small group of girls, all of which somehow knew of me even though I didn't remember even seeing any of them before that night. Even so, I wouldn't let up the opportunity to talk to some pretty ladies. One in particular caught my eye, and as hard as I was trying to distract myself from my own thoughts with her very prominent cleavage, I simply could not get John out of my mind. I wanted to know where he was. Who he was with, what he was doing. I wanted to know if he was okay. I had to get away somehow.

I stepped forward towards the girl, resting my hand dangerously low on her side as I leant my face close to hers to kiss her cheek and talk into her ear.

"I have to go, but hopefully we can catch up later?" I mumbled, gently squeezing her hip. She giggled at the gesture, tossing some compliment my way and saying she really wanted to see me again.

Shame she wouldn't, really.

I found myself making a pit stop in the kitchen on my way to finding John to pour myself a slightly stronger drink. Just something to give me a buzz, I wasn't planning on getting completely wankered. If it was John's first time drinking, I had to stay fairly sober to keep him safe. Well, my sobriety state didn't really matter if I had no clue where he was.

After trawling the whole house and finding no sign of him, I eventually found him sat in the back lounge of the house with Freddie on the other sofa and a few other people sat around in their little group. For a moment I hovered by the door and watched him interact, and a wide smile spread across my lips. It was nice to see him coming out of his shell.

"Hey, Johnny," I smiled, sitting down beside him on the sofa. "Having fun? Everyone treating you okay? Did you only have one in the end?" I asked, nodding at my cup during the final question. He nodded slightly.

"Mhm, just that one. And I'm fine, Rog. Really. I can take care of myself," John smiled, looking up at me. I froze up for a second when our eyes met, having to tear my gaze away with a slight pink tint to my cheeks.

I wrapped my arm around him and gently pulled him closer, solely for the purpose of making the conversation easier. No other reason. At all.

But I left my hand on his waist. It was comfy there.

"Try some of this," I grinned, holding my cup out. "Just a tiny bit, not a lot," I added, not really wanting to get him pissed (seeing as he'd be a lightweight if he wasn't used to drinking) or see him drink my whole drink and me have to go get another one.

"Sure? Will I die?" He asked, taking the cup and looking into it. I couldn't help but laugh at what he said, causing him to turn to me and gently slap my thigh. "I'm serious! You could've... I don't know, put... Something in it!" He laughed, leaning into me.

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