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I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind me and was ready to roll my eyes and tell them to get lost, until it registered in my mind to whom the arms belonged.

"Hey, baby," I smiled, turning to face the boy and press a kiss to his forehead. "Good morning?"

He nodded, moving to stand next to me in a position where I could easily sling my arm around his waist. "How was your chemistry test?" John asked, looking between me and the other boy I'd been talking to. I'd roped Brian into waiting for John with me so I wouldn't be lonely.

"Oh, I fucked it," I laughed, pulling away from him to open my bag. I pulled a sandwich out and gave it to him, smiling. "Here, have this. Food's important." He didn't usually have a problem with eating, but he'd been running late that morning and didn't have a chance to eat breakfast, and was strongly opposed to eating school food, for which I couldn't blame him.

"There you are!" I laughed, watching the boy running towards me. "I was about to leave without you! I thought you were ill or something."

Usually, I'd wait inside and he'd knock for me, but as it got later and later and he still hadn't shown up, I decided to sit on the wall outside my home so that I could see him on the street and start heading towards school if he still wasn't showing up. His house was a short walk away from mine, and mine was on his walking route to school so, naturally, we'd started to walk together.

"Yeah, I overslept. Sorry!" He panted, having to stop when he reached me and lean on my garden wall. I slipped his rucksack off of his arms and put it on top of my own. "You don't have to-"

"Don't worry about it, John. You need a rest. Mine's hardly got anything in it, so it's not much heavier than I'm used to," I smiled, holding my hand out for him to take, "Let's get going,"

"You're an angel, Rog," He said, a grin plastered on his lips as he took my hand. I was certainly trying my best to be.

"Do you not want it?" He asked, looking at the food in his hand. I simply shook my head.

"I got myself one, too. Don't you worry about me, Kid," I ruffled his hair, grinning because I knew he hated it. The three of us began walking down the hallway, heading towards the common room.

"Don't call me that. I'm only a couple months younger than you," He pouted, folding his arms across his chest.

"Yeah, it does make you sound a bit noncey, Rog," Brian chimed in, causing me to roll my eyes and John to laugh.

"Thanks for calling me a nonce, Brian. I appreciate that," I groaned, pushing him gently.

It was a point I'd worried about, the age gap between John and I. In reality, there was no age gap. Both of us were born the same year and only a few months apart, as John had said. It just seemed a big taboo to date someone who wasn't in the same school year as you, even if you weren't that distant in age.

"Technically I'm not even old enough to be a nonce," I pointed out, smiling as we all stepped into the common room and walked over to our corner, where Freddie was waiting for us. Upon noticing us enter the room, he quickly swept all of the many sheets of paper on the desk into one pile. Suspicious.

We all sat down, wondering what had got him so excited that he was practically bouncing in his seat.

"John, you play bass, don't you?" He asked, leaning over the table. John just nodded, looking slightly frightened with the sudden interrogation. "Perfect. Rog, didn't you say your mum's visiting your aunt this weekend?" I nodded, glancing between Brian and John with wide eyes. This was strange, even for Freddie. "Great. We'll all come to yours."

"But wha-"

"Just read this." He put a piece of paper down in front of John and I, and Brian got up and stood beside us so he could read it, too.

"A music competition? But.. Why? We've never played together, Fred," Brian pointed out, sitting back down. "Not properly, at least,"

"It'll be fun!" Freddie grinned. "And, if we win, we get thirteen pounds each," He beamed at us all, clearly excited. It did sound like a lot of fun.

"Twelve pounds fifty," Brian murmured. Maths nerd.

"Whatever. Are you up for it?"

I nodded, grinning along with him. "I'm in. Maybe we'll be good enough to drop out, make a career of it," I said, mostly joking. As unlikely as that outcome was, it was ideal. And I wouldn't have any more Chemistry exams to worry about.

"I don't know about playing in front of people.." John chimed in, biting his lip as he looked up at me, checking to see if he'd said the right thing. I smiled reassuringly, taking his hand beneath the table.

"You'll be fine. You'll be too focused on playing to notice anyone's there," I spoke gently, squeezing his hand. He smiled at my words, the world around me freezing as he looked into my eyes. God, he was gorgeous.

"Alright, lovebirds. So, Roger's house, tonight. We'll start practising," Freddie told us, without first asking if he could plan a meet-up in my home.

"And my house, why?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at him across the table.

"Well, we can do it at mine, if you're willing to carry your drums over."

Okay. My house it is.


John and I had some alone time before the others got home. I'd walked to his house with him to pick up his equipment after school, then we both walked back to mine. The others wouldn't be coming round until five, so we had some time to kill.

That was how John ended up sandwiched between my body and the wall, his hands in my hair and our lips locked together. Kissing John had become my favourite thing in the whole world, although it was a little tame for my taste.

So I took a risk. I parted my lips ever so slightly, gently pressing my tongue against his lips. He jumped a little, before relaxing against me and opening his mouth. His kissing was getting to be incredible, and I so hoped that the inevitable wouldn't happen, and that we could be together until the day one of us died so that I never had to be without his kisses.

I pulled back slightly with a small laugh after kissing for a little longer, pressing short kisses to his lips as I mumbled: "We need to move my kit downstairs.." My lips were straight back against his the second I'd stopped talking, kissing him needily. I wanted more, but I didn't want to push him.

"You're the one kissing me, Mr Taylor," He murmured against my lips, and a shiver ran down my spine. I grinned, pulling back properly to look into his eyes for a second. His face was flushed red, and his lips slightly swollen. Beautiful.

"Maybe we've got a few more minutes.." I smiled, biting my lip. How did I get so lucky? "You're gorgeous, John.."

He blushed and looked down, rubbing his face. "Shut up, Rog," He mumbled, smiling wide. "Let's move the drums, then we can see how much time we have left for..." He shrugged, grinning and kissing me gently.

"Come on, then," I smiled, going over to my drums. "Let's get these downstairs. Quick."

So I said I'd stop these constant updates like 4 times but this story went up almost 200 reads in a day and I just wanna day thanks you everyone that's been reading/commenting/voting you guys really make me happy!! I'm glad you're enjoying the story

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