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"So, John. What is it you're studying?"

"Um, Electronics.." I smiled politely as I answered the question, although the waver in my voice definitely gave away my anxiety concerning the first date. First dates were scary enough, but usually the date sat across from me, or at least on a separate chair, keeping their distance. Somehow we'd ended up sitting on a bench seat, and the man I was with was inching ever closer to me. Maybe he wasn't the one for me.

"Wow. I thought a pretty boy like you would be in model school, or something," He told me, a smirk present on his lips. He couldn't be any more seedy if he tried. Is model school even a real thing?

Awkwardly, I shuffled slightly further away from him, towards the end of the seat. He'd not made any actual advances yet, other than putting his hand on my knee (which I quickly pulled away) and constantly moving up closer to me. This was definitely worse than any other date I'd been on, not that any others had been particularly successful. Only once had I reached a "relationship" stage, and that was three years ago when I was still in secondary school, and we'd never been on a formal date. So my dating experience was next to nothing. Successful dates, that is. I'd been on countless disastrous dates. I let out a little laugh at his comment, hoping that sometime soon I could just slip off to the bathroom and not return without him catching me.

"Uh, thank you, Paul.. I'm just going to-" He grabbed my wrist as I started to stand, causing me to freeze up and sit back down. Maybe it wouldn't be as simple as just walking out.

"Stay, John. Why don't you finish your drink?" He offered, grinning evilly. "I'm paying, so you don't need to worry about how much you're drinking. Just relax."

God, I needed to get out of there.

"No, I really need to-" He pulled me down the second time I tried to stand, causing me to bite down on my lip at the force of which I hit the seat, as well as at the feeling of his sharp talons gripping my wrist.

"Stay." He commanded, in a tone almost comparable to a growl. I just nodded, too afraid to try fight back again. I could stay. I'd finish my drink, and then I'd go. Or- Maybe I could slip out when he went to the bar, or-

His hand squeezed my knee beneath the table, a reassuring action from probably anybody other than him. The action made my breath catch in my throat and it felt as if my windpipe was collapsing. Tears were collecting in the corners of my eyes, but I couldn't let them fall. I already looked weak enough to this guy, what impression would crying give him?

I managed to stay relatively calm, up until the point he put his hand back on my knee, which made me flinch. My sudden movement alarmed him, causing him to grab my wrist with an iron grip.

I had to escape.

I began to writhe in his grasp, trying my best to back out of the booth as he growled at me to calm down, but I couldn't cease my movements if I tried. Well, not until a new bout of fear struck me upon feeling a new hand on my shoulder. I froze up, not daring to look at the stranger behind me.

"Is this man bothering you?"

That voice. Where did I know it from?

Slowly I dragged my gaze away from my date and up to the stranger, and my jaw dropped. I'd know those blue eyes anywhere.

It was him.

My guardian angel.


thought i'd update now because more readers are active around this time/overnight (for me) also I'm just plain impatient and wanted to get this out sksk sorry for rushing the publishing of this story.

i hope you enjoyed it!

if you guys have got any questions to ask me (related to this book or not) comment on this section of text and I'll reply to all the comments 💓 i enjoy talking to you guys

thank you to everyone who has read, commented on or voted on this book! as of publishing this it is at 2.3k reads, 180 votes and 210 comments and that makes me so happy! it may seem small compared to others but it means a lot to me, so thank you again 💓

i love you all 💓💓

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