Garantita Against Cops

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At the entry of an old café Frankie was sitting. A cup of coffee in his hand, and a cigarette hung lazily from his mouth. With his still sleepy eyes he analyzed the streets: a girl walking on the other side of the pavement caught his sight. In her pretty pink Jellaba and her high blonde ponytail, she looked like the perfect spouse to Frankie, or the perfect victim to mess with for today, as a short term vision.

Quickly, he stood up from his chair calling Moh El-Kahwaji, handing him three coins in hand. "Kach ma nrouh navigui ya kho" Frank muttered to the waiter without moving his eyes from the young lady with the screaming fake blonde hair. He adjusted his Lacoste sportswear, licked his fingers to straighten his hair, and ran after the girl walking with her pretty swan-like steps.

"Pssst, ya zin, wesh ma t7albinach?" Frankie started his cat-calls as the girl blushed but continued her way. "A3tini nimiro ndirek fi 3iniya, ndirek madamti haja ma tkhesek..."

The girl smiled quietly adding, through the loud chewing sounds she made with her gum:" booh a7chem chwiya". Frankie melted even more with her smooth words.

"Wellah ma nkhalik, ghir ana li neddik, ma3labalich bik ana wla b mwalik" he said, quoting his favourite singer, Reda Taliani, she sighed, fasting her pace. "Saha had zin mekhtoub wela yessena fel mektoub?" Hopelessly Frankie continued as they both entered Souk El-Had, the girls steps went faster and he lost her in the human pit. He cursed his bad luck and turned around taking his path out of the souk.

A unique feminized Oraneese voice caught El-Taliani's attention, he followed the voice and his eyes fell on a pile of panties on a D.I.Y-ed table from bricks and wood. A thin figure standing on top of all those underwear, yelling his lungs out "Aya slipat! Slipat! Tlata b 3achralef! Ya chirat dirou l'affaire! Lyoum mashi koul youm! Kayen le bleu, lakhder, lkhokhi! Ellebssi wermi!" Frankie recognized the feminine boy in his Oraneese accent, it was Mikey's brother... he forgot about the girl and went to him. But just as Gee saw him approaching he got off the table almost scared.

"Slipat yeah!" said Frank jokingly.

"Yerhem chibani akhti jerti, khalini nbi3 ... Rak harebtli nssa..."

"Mhm... n'attiri nssa ana, ya wesmek..."

"Geelali, bs7 3ayetli Gee."

"Masse9ssitekch... Jib tshou machi haka ybi3ou..." Frank took in charge while Gee backed off to sit and rest. As the adhan started. Frank "closed" the table, yelling at the women still trying to buy.

"93od hna douk nji..."

"Rah tssali?" Frank looked at him with a smirk on his face.

After a short while, he came back with a garantita sandwich in hand. He violently cut it in half, handing gee his part.

"Chritli Karantika!" Exclaimed Gee happily.

"Grantita kho. Ysselmek. Makfawnich bech nchri Selecto..."

"Ma3lish-" before Gee could thank him, Frank hurried to put the panties back in the large bags.

"Malek?" Frank didn't respond and grabbed the bags and started running.

"Ejri ya Gee!" Gee started running, not really knowing why. Frank was running a bit too fast but Gee managed to catch up.

Frank entered a small vacant alley and ordered Gee to lie down on the ground. Frankie got on top of him and covered the both of themselves with the huge cloudy black bag of panties. After a little while Frank got off of him.


"Doula jaw yrefdou twabel. Yedouna lel 7ebs kho..."

"Saha leh tl3t fougi?"

"Kan majitch labes haka mantla3ch..."

"Malhoum 7wayji?"

"Ybanou berk, y'al 7ata." Gee smiled at the compliment. "Mat7akch m3aya kho, ana machi menhoum..."



"Ro7 tkhra..." Gee backed him off and grabbed the bag and started walking to his brother's house.

"Wesh?" Gee continued walking. "Ya Gee!" Frankie called but Gee tried to ignore him as much as possible. "Ya chbab... khlass sme7li makountch 9assdek nta... matessme7lich kho? Loukan bla biya rak fel 7ebss douk. Bs7 ma3lich..."

"Frankie... sme7li..."

"Nssme7lek kho, mat3awedch berk..."

Now that Frank contoured the situation to his favor, he tapped Gee's back in approval and walked home together sharing the Garantita sandwich.

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