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Bella POV

I can't believe Edward would do that to I hardly ever leave my room and I'm constantly dry sobbing the only reason I leave my room is to hunt once every other week. The man I loved with both my life and undead life broke my heart by having sex with the woman I considered a mother. That he used me for power.

Alice POV

Bella and carlisle are a mess, Bella locked herself in her room, and Carlisle threw himself into his job but he hunts regularly Bella doesn't I'm worried about her Carlisle doesn't even know bella locked herself in her room. That's how much he works comes home at 2:30 am then goes hunting for an hour then comes home goes to his office for an hour then leaves for work again but today I stopped him when he came home and explained about Bella he replied "I will try to get her out." he promised.

Carlisle POV

How could I be so stupid I forgot Bella she's probably in more pain then I am. I knocked on Bella's door "bella please let me in," I begged.

Then she opened the door "come in Carlisle."

"Thank you" I whispered thankfully as I passed our hands brushed and a electric current ran from my hand up my arm and to my non beating heart. what was that.

"Bella, Edward is Esme's mate meaning he is not your mate will you please come down and try to forget him please," I begged

"Ok Carlisle" and we walked down stairs but I had to leave for work. I said goodbye and I left for work.

Bella POV

Carlisle left for work and Emmett and I played halo reach but I beat him and he got mad and demanded a rematch of corse I won after that Em, Rose, Ali, Jazz, and I went hunting I got 3 bears, 2 mountain lions, and 1 elk.

When we were done carlisle was home from work early so we decided to play a game.

"Oh! oh! I know lets play truth or dare" em screamed.

"Ok Em you first" Carlisle said sitting next to me.

"Alice truth or dare and no using your gift"

"Dare," Alice said unsure.

"I dare you to let me dress you for a month," Emmett said.

"what!!!!!! Consciences?" Alice asked desperately.

"No touching jasper for a year."

"UGH!!" alice screamed.

Alice POV

"Ok you can dress me Emmett but prepare for revenge." I warned and he smirked at me,

My turn. truth or dare Bella" I said

"dare," Bella said confidently.

"I dare you to make out with emmett for 5 min"

Bella POV

I'm going to die, "consciences?"

"sex with mike newton,"

"NO WAY Ill kiss Em" and with that em and I made out for 5 minutes.

Then we jumped apart gagging "you kiss like a girl," I gagged.

"Rose truth or dare?" I asked.


"Have you ever kissed a girl?"

Rose POV

"Yes when I was human," I whispered.

"Truth or dare carlisle?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Dare," he said happily.

"I dare you to have 7 min in heaven with Bella."

Carlisle POV

"What" bella and I screeched

"yep get to it," Rose said

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