Telling Charlie

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Bella POV

It has been one year since that game of truth or dare and we still didn't tell Charlie but we are today the worst he can do is disown me, but we have to move by next year anyway so Carlisle and I are talking about it on the way over to Charies house decided to just say it.

We we up to the door and knocked twice and he opened the door "Bella and Carlisle come in please tell me bella didn't brake anything," he said half jokingly half serious.

"No dad we came to tell you I got a divorce so did carlisle after seeing Edward and Esme having sex about a year ago and since then Carlisle and I have been dating." I explained one breath.

"You are not aloud to date carlisle are we clear!" Charlie screamed turning red, "you are no longer my daughter get out now!"

Venom filled my "eyes goodbye Charlie,"

I sneered we went home and I begged Carlisle to let us move now.

"Alright let's go Bella, come on everyone were moving" carlisle said as we walked into the house.

"I'm gonna go to the gas station to get gas for the cars," I said pecking him on the lips.

"Ok angel hurry back," he said and I drove to the gas station.

At the gas station a cruiser pulled up and Chaarlie stepped out and walked over to me.......................


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