7 minutes in hevan and truth or dare

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Bella POV

What is she up to I can't do that with carlisle. Can I? no, maybe I don't know but alice looks rather smug so she must 'know' something ugh she can probably be the most annoying person or vampire in the world and I've met some annoying vamps you would not believe it.

Carlisle grabbed my hand causing sparks to go through me and toke me to the closet. Once inside the closet we stared at each other and he slowly leaned in when our lips touched we went crazy and toke off each others clothes and the next thing I know he is slowly enters me "harder" I moan and he does my wishes and goes as hard he can go until we both go over the climax.

Alice POV

I 'know' their done with their fun time and I scream, "come on let's go carlisle and bella you've been in there for 30 minutes," and they come out with there hair all messed up smiling and holding hands "yay I 'knew' you guys were gonna get together yay" rose and I squealed.

Carlisle POV

"Truth or dare jasper?" I asked.

"Dare me,"

"I dare you to burn rose's shoes"

"what!!" they screeched.

"yep" is said popping the p.

Jasper POV

I went upstairs grabbed all of roses shoes ran downstairs, outside and burned all of her shoes came back inside.

Their was so much lust, carlisle was on top of Bella carlisle shirt was off with Bella rubbing his chest, Carlisle feeling Bella's ass and boob while kissing same with em and rose except rose was on top.

So I said, "get a room,"

Then em and rose ran to their room and Bella and Carlisle ran Carlisle's office, it's sound proof good thing newly mated couples are always and I mean always the loudest just like alice and I were I grabbed alice ran us to our room for some kinky sex.


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