I dont know

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Bella POV

It has been two weeks since I fainted and I am all better we figured out the voltori are coming tomorrow we only have the Denali coven, bengerman, and Tia.

Carlisle said we don't want to look threating oh well I can't wait to see the Voltori I actually do like the Voltori.

~the next day~

We are at the field carlisle and I in front since we are the leaders then Alice and Jasper to the right.

Rose and Emmett to the left, the Denali coven behind us and Bengerman and Tia behind them and in the trees are the wolves.

"I hear them," carlisle announced he has the best hearing of any one hear then I can heard them too.

They emerged from the trees wow it's only Jane Alec Demetri Felix aro Caius Marcus. "ah dear friends I was just coming to make sure the rummers were true and to ask if you would join us again." Aro said happily.

"Yes aro we are together and to tell you the truth I don't know about joining the guard." Carlisle said "I think we should................"

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