Chapter 40~ Jeans, Jumpers, and Jelly

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Chapter 40~ Jeans, Jumpers, and Jelly

I got up the next morning to a sunny day.  It was still mid-February, and it was cold out.  I was about to pull on some jeans and my jumper, but then I remembered that Fred had wanted me to wear a dress.

I searched through my trunk, and the only dress I could find was a navy blue sundress with some small flowers stitched into the thin fabric near the bottom.  It stopped right below my knees, and had thin straps.

"The things I do for this boy."  I sighed as I stepped into the dress.  I managed to zip the back up by myself and I stepped into the black flats I wore with my uniform.

I twisted my dark hair into a braid, and put on the normal eyeliner and mascara.  By the time I was done, Anna was already dressed in jeans and a jumper and ready to go down to the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Fred?"  She asked, referring to my dress.

"Yep."  I said, popping the 'p'.

"You do realize there's snow on the ground, right?"  She questioned.


She shacked her head at me before saying: "Good luck."

"Thanks.  Shall we?"  I asked, offering my arm.

She laughed before linking my arm with hers.  "We shall."  We laughed all the way to the Great Hall, walking with our arms linked together.

Anna and I were already well into our meal when the boys walked into the Great Hall.

And what was Fred wearing?

A jumper and jeans.

"Where's that bow tie then?"  I asked with raised eyebrows once he sat next to me.

"Ah, about that.  It turns out I don't have one."  He said with an apologetic smile.

"Geez Iz, you're gonna freeze in that bloody thing."  George said, sitting next to Anna.  Lee sat next to him and nodded in agreement.

"Are you planning on staying in or something?"  Lee asked.

"Nope, I'm gonna go back to my dorm and change, then Fred and I will go to Hogsmeade."  I said, giving Fred a look.

"Yeah, that sounds about right."  Fred said with a nod.

Anna, George, and Lee left for the village as Fred and I walked to the Common Room.  Once I got to my dorm, I quickly changed into my jeans and Gryffindor jumper that I had picked out earlier that morning.

I walked back down to the Common Room to meet with Fred.  I gave him a hug and a small kiss as a greeting.

"So, Hogsmeade then?"  He asked.

"Sure, that is what I signed up for anyway."  I laughed.

"Well come on then Miss. Lupin."  He whispered in my ear before grabbing my hand.

"That sounds weird."

"What?  Would you rather me call you Miss Thompson?"  He asked.

"Well no, I just find it strange that it's my real name, but no one knows me by it.  I do like Lupin, but Thompson was what I was for the majority of my life."  I said in a hushed tone.  "Like, imagine that you and George just found out one day, completely out of the blue, that you weren't Weasleys, but Blacks or something."

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