Chapter 4

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I set of to walk to Myrnin's lab. The sun was warm on my face because it was early and the heat had not gotten to full temperature. The walk was pleasant enough but when I got to the alley, which led past Granma Day's house, I got the strange feeling there was someone behind me.

The alley way was dark and it was easy to mistake objects for shadows out of the corner of my eye. But this was definitely not a shadow or an object... it was a vamp.

I turned around quickly and I could feel my heart reate increase. Great. Now the vamp, whoever they were, saw me as more of a walking bloodbank than usual. 

Another shadow next to me. I turned around slowly pulling the silver coated knife out of my jeans pocket.

I could hear breaths behind me, feel the cold breaths on my neck. The hairs on the back of my neck stood up and I had to control the urge to shiver. 

The knife in my hand was ready to pounce and stab the thing behind me.

Quickly, I turned around and brought the knife down. A cold hand grabbed my wrist and held it in the air. It felt as if it were about to snap.

"Now now now, little one," the cool voice said into my ear. "We wouldn't want to be doing that would we?" She smiled a wicked smile.

Her face was smooth and flawless, her eyes were a cool grey colour and she seemed to be reading me as i felt a wave of cold rush over me. Her hair, which was a pale blonde colour was piled up on top of her head in a crown shape whith just one long lock falling down to her waist. She almost reminded me of...

"Amelie?" I said my voice so quite it was almost a whisper.

"Haha!" She threw her head back as she gave off a sharp hard laugh. "Amelie? You think that I, the mighty Annette, could compare to the weak and stupid little girl which is Amelie? Because I hope, for the sake of your life, that you would never make that mistake would you? Would you?" She tightened her grip on my wrist, if that was possible, and stared pure coldness into my heart.

"No." I chocked.

"Good." She smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile. She loosened her grip vaguely and I felt slighly warmer. "Anymore questions before I... let you go?"

"Who are you? Why do you look so much like Amelie?"

"Ok, listen closley because I shall not be wasting my breath telling you again." Do vampires need breath? I thought but decided not to ask. I was in enough trouble as it was. "I am Annette. Wife of the leader Bishop and mother of Amelie, the founder of Morganville."

I was silent. I didn't know what to say to that. There wasn't much a person could say to that. All I knew was that I would have to tell Amelie and/or Myrnin about this. 

"It's a shame, you know. Such a pretty girl with such a pretty young face." She lifted her finger up to my cheekbone and storked her nail across my face. "Shame it will have to go."

"Wha-" I started to say but Annette grabbed my hair pulling my head down and exposing my neck.

She brought her fangs down and inserted them into my delicate neck. I felt as the sunk in deeper and deeper, as it they would never stop burying themselves into my flesh. I struggled as I became weaker.  I felt the blood rushing out of me.

"Shane..." I wispered as everything went black. 

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