Chapter 5

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I watched as Bob's pincers came down and sucked the life of the fly I had let loose in his cage. What fascinating creatures spiders are I thought to myself as I turned back to the lab table to continue the work I was doing. I looked around at the endless notes of paper and scribbles there were littered across the table, half of them were on the floor from when I sneezed.

I went back to looking at Bob, he was chewing happily at his fly food. I found him amazing but Claire was slightly afraid. I don't know Bob could be intimidating but as always humans,especially Claire, never cease to amaze me how they can fight of vampires, big scary bloodsucking corpses, and still be afraid of aracnids like Bob.

Speaking of Claire, where was she? She is half an hour late, completely unacceptable. What if I fallen asleep and forgotten to feed Bob? Poor soul would have starved.

I decided to go and wait in the alley outside. I needed some fresh air anyway, I hadn't been out since Monday's night time hunt.

I put on a hat, I would be in the shade anyway, and climbed the stairs to the trapdoor.

It was cool in the shade outside, quite a relief from the dusty and warm conditions in the lab. I breathed in the fresh air with my old and unused lungs. It refreshed my mind as well as my body.

I looked around. No sign of Claire.

There was a trash can which had been knocked over, an old cardboard box, Claire lying dead on the floor, broken glass...

Wait What?

Claire was lying on the dusty path her hair messed up and two fang bites in her neck. I rushed over at vampire speed. I took her pulse... there wasn't one.

"No, no Claire wake up!" I said quietly. I was desperate now.

I sniffed as tears formed in my eyes. What was that smell? What bloodline? I recognized it... I just couldn't put my finger on it...

Bishop. The dirty smell of the Bishop bloodline was lingering on Claire. It was more powerful from the hint of sent which was left over from when I bit her.

There was a touch of femininity about it. Amelie? No she couldn't do this could she? After setting those laws, she betrays them? I refused to believe that.

Time was running out for little Claire, the chances of saving her were low and getting lower by the second.

I had to find Amelie and save Claire fast, I know that the Collins boy would literally kill me if I didn't.

I had to find Shane, Eve and Michael. They could help save her. But they wouldn't like how we were going to do it.

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