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New York City was one of the most shittiest cities Alex had visited in awhile. Maybe it was her job that made it so unbearable. Or maybe it was the fact that she could see her breath outside, cold weather wasn't her thing. You'd think that the freezing cold air would make it harder to smell the sewer and smoke, but apparently not. The last time she had visited the Concrete Jungle, she still adorned a SHIELD logo on her chest. So, it had been years.

Shit, she needed a drink. Her job had taken a downward turn. Things were progressing a lot slower than she wanted. Her target was going out of the city for a week moving her time table back. She really just wanted to kill the bastard, get paid, and leave.

She was holding up in an apartment in what people call Hell's Kitchen. Her shifty activity, would look just as shifty as the next person. Sometimes hiding with criminals paid off. She strolled into a bar she had been frequently visiting to get a drink. Bars were a good breeding ground for criminals. Alex knew she could get a lot of interesting information just by asking around. It was a good place to keep up her cover.

Walking up to the bar, Alex ordered a pint. She stood there waiting and tapping her toe out of impatience. The bar wasn't necessarily flooded, but it was a Friday night. The bartender set her drink down. Alex reached for it, but a man grabbed her wrist.

"Let go of me."Alex demanded glaring at the man. Cover or not, she would not let any man walk all over her. 

"Come on, sit down have the drink with me."

"Let go." She ordered once again. He didn't. He tightened his hold and pulled her closer so Alex could see his ugly goatee better.

"Let her go." A man behind Alex said to the guy. Alex sighed and snaked her arm around the guy who grabbed her getting out of the wrist hold. She slid her arm around to the back of his neck slamming it into the bar. She set a five on the bar and grabbed her pint. She took a sip of her drink.

"Hey, girl! Don't do that again. You chipped the wood." The bartender yelled at Alex after someone dragged the man outside.

"She was just defending herself." The man behind her pointed out. Jesus Christ was he going to keep doing this? Alex didn't need someone fighting her battles. Clearly she was more than capable of handling them. Alex turned to take a look at the guy who couldn't mind his own business. He was wearing all black and nursing a beer. He looked like he fit in with the group at the bar. He looked a little warn, dirty, and dangerous. He had a military cut, and black holes for eyes, the kind scientists say will eventually suck up everything.

"That jerk grabbed me. Maybe keep the drunks to a minimum." Alex vainly argued

"It's a bar sweetheart."

"Fine then instead of controlling this bar, why don't you ask the men of this world to keep their goddamn hands to themselves–drunk or sober–sweetheart." The bartender went quiet. The guy next to Alex let out a low chuckle and took a sip of his beer. At least she could keep him entertained. Alex took a drink of her beer. Feeling unwelcomed, she set the drink down and headed towards the door. A couple men followed her blocking the exit.

"Move." She glared up at the six foot two man. "I'm not going to ask again."

He crossed his arms. "You shouldn't have slammed our boy's head into the bar." Someone jerked her shoulder.

"Hey!" A low shout came from by the bar. Alex grabbed the man's hand pulling a finger back and elbowing him. She slammed him into a table. Grabbing the gun from his back pocket she lifted it to the man in front of her.


He went to draw and she fired hitting his arm. She kicked him out of the way. Someone grabbed her hair pulling her back. A man jerked him off of her. She quickly punched the man in the face who grabbed her. The guy with the black holes for eyes was holding him down as she clocked him with the butt of the gun. The man fell limp. The big man in front of her charged for them. Alex moved out of the way, but the man grabbed his arm and threw him into the bar. Glass shattered, and people scattered. Alex sighed looking at the damage. This was not keeping her profile low.

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