{Chapter Four}

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"So why do you wish for me to come here again?"

I said to Corone, after I had finally entered her home and had butler mentally scare the guard, and are now seated in her in her brightly lit library.

"Why rush?Do somewhere else intended to go? oh and tea?" she offered, handing me the cup.

"Yes, I was preoccupied with a project of mine when I remembered your invitation, also I know that said to be 'present' wasn't the really reason you invited me here ." I answered, sipping the (too sugary for my taste) tea, then placing it down on a marble table. I wasn't really, but I rather like to be in my office making another project that be here.

"well I guess I really shouldn't dilly daly (why is there even such a word), and tell you what I want"

She clicked a button, and the all windows, doors, or anything exposing sunlight was gone, shutdown. Lights inside flickered on, one by one blue lights danced throughout the room.

Suddenly, two metal chains appeared from the chair, wrapping around my torso, hands and feet to it.

"What is the meaning of this!" I asked.

I had a receiver in my ear smaller than a penny connected to Butler, in case of emergencies, listening to my brain waves of stress which would have sounded a alarm to Butler, then self-destructs, cutting the connection and disappearing into small tiny dust outwards my ear to prevent any else from discovering it. A device that I admittedly copied from Foaly and had slightly upgraded.

Although now I had finish my life of crime, it still was better to be prepared in case of technical difficulties involving my old enemies who thought killing me mentally and physically apart as much as a child thinking for its gift on it's birthday, and is honestly a comfort thing.        

"I'm sorry about the restrains" she answered after taking a sip of her tea, "I was a bit paranoid about your strength capacity, after all I only ever had seen you through cameras " then she beamed a smile that made me agitated inside.

"So what is your business with me? An ally to my foe? Satisfaction of my agony is it?"

"Not...exactly, but there is a chance of your anger in our conversation. You see my request is something that only you could answer, actually there are others, but you are a greater option considering they would be harder to talk to."

"What is your question"

"To be simply put, where is my sister, Opal Koboi?"

And this is how, I knew, I was in for another adventure

I have seen the eyes of death

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