{Chapter Five}

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I feel as if I choked on air.


That shedevil had a sister?

I must stay clam.

Think Artemis, think, my intelligence and wits had never let me down before, don't start now.

I finally spoke after a minute or two.

"I'll answer your question if you answer mine" I answered.

"Oh god I thought you died" she started, "You've said nothing for a good minute, I thought I broke you" she laughed hardheartedly. "But sure, I accept."

"What's your history with her?" I asked.

"when I was young I was taken by her, claiming she was my sister. I always hated my old home and my unloving parents. So being desperate to escape, I reluctantly followed her, until we got here, in this manor. Life was fine until one day she left and never came back. That was two weeks ago. A week ago, while doing my best to find her, I came across a signal. But that signal came from underground. I hacked the system for two days, not resting until I was finally in. It was registered as LEP, which at first I had no clue of their operation, but I looked into in a little more, and found more of what she really is, along with some other things, apparently not allowed to our Mud Man Eyes. But I saw one who also managed to find it, you Artemis Fowl the II. So now I want your help in finding her, my sister, Opal Koboi." She held her chest, tired from continuous talking.

"If you hacked into Foaly's operation, then you must know that she died" I told her.

"No, it can't be, unless she was brought back to life, then the Opal I knew is a fake, still I want her back. And maybe my first conclusion is correct, and if not then the fake Opal might also be a treat to humanity and the People, we have no proof is isn't, would you take the risk of leaving this case?" She held a smile I remember so much.

"Why would I-no we trust you? You apparently have a connection to her, how would we know you aren't manipulating us?"

Suddenly she held my hand. "Listen Artemis, the way you loved your father, we had the same connection. I want her back, even if she changed, even if she wasn't who she said. And if she dies, I want to hold her body, just one last time, please, I beg of you, if you must mind wipe me afterwards, I accept it" she begged me. Sorrow filled eyes latched on to me.

I sighed, contemplating, and told her my answer.

" I am not the only one you should ask, Ask the People, their judgement is as well needed"

"Thank you"

She pressed a button, allowing me free, while the metal clamps returned to hiding. I bid her farewell, and when i had finally had gotten back to the car, i opened my phone and said

"Call Centaur"

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