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[ S o f i a ]

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[ S o f i a ]

I had no doubt in my mind he deserved this scholarship. I just wish I had no doubt in my mind that he would actually get it. Both Sam and Nineteen were at the same level skill wise. Now that Sam was training for longer, harder and more often I hoped it would push him over the edge to get the scholarship.

"I'm going-"..."to"..."destroy him." Sam said in-between shoving mashed potatoes in his mouth at the dinner table. Sam had even changed his diet. He was eating more meat and vegetables, only water throughout the week. Friday nights was his cheat nights but even then he held back. I had to give it to him, he was dedicated.

"Just focus on doing your best." Dad said.

Personally, I think the competition has been good. It's always driven Sam. Now I'm not so sure. He seems consumed with it these days. Was he doing this for the competition or for the scholarship? I wonder if Nineteen needed it as bad as my brother did?

Sam chomped away at his dinner, same way Dad eats. I pushed my food around on my plate with my fork. I wasn't hungry. The past few days I couldn't stop thinking about Emerson. I thought he would have texted me. Oh god Sofia, what are you saying. Stop whining.

As if he had somehow heard my thoughts I heard my phone ding. I looked down at it on the dining room table. It light up with the name Emerson.

Emerson - 7:10pm
Unread text message.

I tried my best to keep from grabbing it. Dinner time rules were to not be on our phones and keep them in the middle of the table.

I looked up to see my Brother with wide eyes. "Who's Emerson?" He and Dad asked at the same time.

"No one." I mumbled trying not to look interested.

"Mmm." My Brother hummed. "Since when do we keep secrets?" I know he was joking but I could detect the smallest sound of hurt.

"I met him the other day when I was with Brenton. He asked for my number, nothing more." Somehow I couldn't make eye contact.

Dad laughed. "I'm sure Brenton would love that."
Sam snickered at his comment.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh come on Sof, you must know Brenton has been in love with you for years now." My brother said with a sure voice.

"He's not! Not like that! We're best friends Sam. Nothing more."

"Does he know that?"


After dinner had ended and I was laying in my bed I couldn't stop thinking about what Sam had said. Brenton knows we're only best friends...right?

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