45. The One When Delilah Goes Home

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❝For there to be betrayal, there would have to have been trust first

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❝For there to be betrayal,
there would have to have been trust first.❞

― The Hunger Games

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"Wait, I got a text message," I announced and set down my smoothie.

After our shopping, we had found a smoothie shop not too far away. The vibration of my phone on the countertop drew my attention away from the story Clive was telling me.

I opened the new text message. It was an unknown number; I knew that right off the bat. Because it was only a short "hey, it's his brother" I assumed it must've been Wyatt's brother's Ivan.

Thinking of Wyatt, I smiled to myself as I remembered the way he had traced the lines on my palm and the way it made my stomach flip.

That smile remained on my face as I replied to Ivan. He had gotten under my skin the second I met him, but he was still his brother. I had to keep things respectable and nice in fear that any negative comment would get to him. And not too long after, Ivan texted me back.

Didn't think u would text back lol btw sorry i didn't appreciate how sexy  you looked last night. Maybe I can get a redo.

"Whoa," I dropped the phone down onto the table.

"What? Let me read it," Clive picked up the phone and mirrored my expression. "Wait...this is Wyatt's brother?"

"Yeah," I gulped, "W-what should I say?"

"Don't worry, I've got you." Rapidly, he made a response and sent it off before I could approve or disprove. And just as fast, Ivan replied back. "He's quick."

"What did he—" I stopped myself, "Tell me what you said."

"Well, because you know I like to keep things classy," he smirked, "I decided to play the clueless card and asked: 'Why would you need a redo? I'm with your brother, pal'."

"Okay, and what did he say?"

"He replied by say: 'A redo on getting under that dress of yours, babe. And I didn't know you were married LOL.'"

"Babe?" my blood turned cold, draining the color right out of my face. "That's so weird. Why would he contact me? He knows I'm close with his brother. I don't remember ever giving him my number. How'd he get it?"

Clive bit down on his lip, "Uhh. I might've given him your number."

"What!?" I boomed. "Why the hell would you do that, Clive? You didn't even ask for my permission and—"

"It was during the party and it completely slipped my mind. To be fair, at the moment I was drunk."

"You'll use that for all your mistakes."

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