Chapter 1

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Liam opens his eyes in the morning sunlight and he just knows it: today is his lucky day.

It's a vague and indefinite feeling of course, being him a werewolf and not a magician, and his luck could come in any form, one million dollars mistakenly credited to his bank account, Sense8 renewed for a third season, a Lacrosse scholarship thrown in his way, Brett catching a sexual disease, Hayden proposing him. Maybe he'll just become a True Alpha like Scott and he will be even more powerful than him. The possibilities are endless and as he walks out of his room to go meet his girlfriend Liam is excited to see how exactly this day will bless him.

Hayden broke up with him.

She likes Brett now apparently.

Liam didn't cry, not in front of her anyway. He walks out of the bathroom with his eyes not even a little red and Hayden is gone. She left without saying goodbye and now Liam has to pay for her vanilla milkshake, which is ridiculous because you're not supposed to break up with the guy you used to call the love of your life while drinking a vanilla milkshake, especially if you don't even intend to pay for it.

To be fair, maybe she did paid, but the waitress is lying to him just so he pays again and she keeps all the money. She saw Liam running to the bathroom in tears, she knows he's not going to call Hayden and ask her about the milkshake just after he has been dumped, that would be embarrassing. He'll just never know.

Liam sighs, walking out of the cafe, refusing to feel sad.

He is thinking about all the places in Beacon Hills high enough to kill him on the impact if jumped from, but still, he's not going to let Hayden's awful timing ruin his day. Today is the day, it still is. The one million dollar is going to be accredited on his account at any moment now. He can already feel the power of a True Alpha running through his veins. It's his lucky day and all of this was just a distraction. Liam's indefinite and vague feelings never lied to him before, it's not happening now for the first time.

And it's not.

Liam's lucky day suddenly starts walking towards him from the other side of the road in the hot form of a time travelling Greek God wearing a tight leather jacket and white converse, ripped jeans showing views of tanned skin and two blue eyes bigger than anyone's future.

Liam always had a thing for leather jackets and he's so ready to embrace all the luck now.

He's also ready to see the hot guy walking past him waving to someone else because okay, feelings that never lied to him before and everything, but also realism.

But then again, what is realism on a lucky day? Nothing, as the hot guy is proving right now by talking to him. God, his voice is hot as well.

"Look, I'm sorry, you don't know me, I'm Theo, could you please help me? My dog got stuck there and I don't know how to free him, I'm desperate, please." Theo, that's the apparition's name, gestures frantically towards a little alley on the other side of the road and Liam instantly puts his most reassuring smile on his lips, because he's just about to impress the hell out of this guy.

"Hi Theo, nice too meet you. I'm Liam and today is my lucky day, I can help you with pretty much anything, really."

Theo is too busy rushing towards the alley to pay him the attention his brilliant smiles and words would deserve, but Liam is not the least bit bothered by it: he'll have plenty of time to enjoy Theo's gratitude and his eyes on him just right after he heroically saved his dog from whatever happened to him. He can also call Deaton if the dog is hurt, so he'll show Theo just how many friends ready to help him he has. He'll think he's so popular and brave and heroic. Liam just hopes Theo is okay with letting him decide the babies' names because he promised Mason he will name at least one after him.

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