Chapter 4

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Scott just called him on Skype and he’s not wearing a shirt.

Liam feels disturbed.

“Hey Liam, how are-”

“I won’t Skype sex with you.”

“It was nice hearing from you, goodnight.”

And with that he hangs up before Liam can move his lips again. Hell, some people really can’t handle rejection.

“Scott, what the hell” Liam mutters as soon as Scott answers his call –this time a normal phone call where his Alpha can’t show off his sweaty, muscular chest. 

“I was thinking exactly the same thing, Liam: what the hell.”

“You weren’t wearing a shirt!” Liam protests loudly because sure, let’s just act like he’s the weird one now. Except he’s fully clothed, isn’t he. 

“I know, I just finished working out and it’s hot here.”

“So you weren’t trying to seduce me” Liam investigates cautious. It’s not particularly believable, you don’t just casually call someone right after working out, unless you’re working out exactly for that someone. Why does Scott want to look hot in his eyes now? Is this because of Mason? Is he trying to show Liam he’s not fat? Or is he actually in love with him now? That wouldn’t be weird actually. People fall in love with Liam all the time, he’s loveable just like that. It happened with Hayden and with his five years old cousin and...and that’s it actually, but still, two girls in love with him already and he’s only seventeen. If he keeps like this he’ll have almost five before the thirty.   

“No, of course not. Did I?”


“Seduced you.”

“Shit no, Scott, you’re like my dad!” Liam emits a disgusted sound because if he can handle Scott falling in love with him, the thought of him reciprocating is so immensely wrong. 

“I never even came near to your mom, what are you on about.”

“Oh my god, goodnight Scott.” Liam hangs up.

After pouring himself a glass of water, Liam picks up his phone again.

“Did you want something?” 


“Except traumatizing me, did you call for something in particular?”

“Oh yeah, no, I just wanted to know if everything was okay” Scott’s voice sounds suspiciously casual. “Mason said Theo approached you again a couple of days ago, did he try to stab you or anything?”

“No, he didn’t. Luckily, since you know, I would have bleed to death in the two days you took to call.”

“What did he want then?”

Liam shrugs, indifferent. “Who knows.”

“You, most likely.”
“Well, yeah. He wanted to look good so he said he was wrong for stabbing me” Liam admits reluctant. “But like, he didn’t even apologized. And he wore sweatpants. What an asshole.”

Scott stays silent for several seconds and he slowly speaks again just when Liam removes his phone from his ear to check if he’s still there. Typical.

“So he changed his mind about werewolves?”

Liam nods. “That’s what he said.”

“Couldn’t you hear his heartbeat?”

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