Chapter 6

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"You got in the way! It wasn't my fault."

Liam did got in the way to be fair, but he's also a firm believer that when you shoot someone, it's never not your fault.

"You still stabbed me" He points out stubborn, crossing his arms. "Three times."

Theo rolls his pretty, pretty eyes. "Stop with that, I just saved your life."

"That's why I'm not eating you alive."

"You can eat me anytime, I already told you that" Theo replies very serious before winking.

The outrage at that is real and Liam tries to ignore it, but his cheeks instantly catch fire, drawing a smirk on Theo's lips.

"Stop that, I won't date you just because you saved my life." That would be ridiculous. He would be dating so many people if that was the case, Scott above them all.

"No, you'll date me because you like me." Theo grins and his heart doesn't even miss a beat, he's genuinely convinced Liam likes him, the madman.

"I don't" Liam snorts, so overwhelmed by the ridiculousness of the thought he almost forgot to finish the sentence. "Like you."

"That's why you offered me dinner during your fake kidnapping, because you don't like me?" Theo arches his left brow, sceptical, and Liam hates his show of skills, being able to raise just one eyebrow doesn't make him better than him. Liam can move his ears anyway and that's so much cooler.

"I didn't offer you anything, I was just being a responsible kidnapper and feeding my p-"

"You think I'm hot." Theo suddenly steps closer cutting him off and Liam stills, deeply disturbed by the excessive proximity. That's his personal space over there and he didn't invite anyone in it, so Theo can take his unauthorized face, with the stare and the scruff and the juicy lips, and all of his smooth tanned exposed skin and bring them somewhere else and he can take his shoulders too and maybe cover them with a shirt that actually fits and doesn't look like it's about to rip under the tension since he's at it.

Liam swallows, holding his gaze. "I think you have an awful personality."

"You still like me" Theo insists and Liam wants to throw his confident ass out of his living space, but he can't do that while still looking unaffected.

"I don't." Liam proceeds then to move his ears, just to show this guy who he's dealing with. Someone with skills, that's who. Theo doesn't seem to notice, because Liam can't move them that much, okay, you need to pay attention to see it and Theo never pays attention to anything other than himself.

"You don't like me, that's what you're saying" He mocks him all sceptical because God forbid for someone to have a personal opinion.

"That's what I said." Liam confirms.

"What you said." Theo repeats slowly, frowning. "And what are you saying now?"

"That I said what I said."

Liam has no idea. "Exactly" He says and then he makes a smug face to win anyway.

Theo sighs, suddenly resigned. "This is confusing, can't we just date already?"

As if it was that easy. Where this guy lives, in easyland? Well, Liam lives in the real world, where a broken leg can lead you to being pushed from the roof of an hospital and then tied up in a bathtub and where following hot strangers in dark tiny places lead you to a stab wound. There's no such thing as easy where Liam lives.

"You were an hunter thinking I deserved to die until like two seconds ago" Liam says resolute, crossing his arms. "We're not dating." Theo stays quiet and after a second he lowers his eyes, smelling all sad. Liam almost feels bad, but not really. "You fucking stabbed me!" He adds defensive because hell no, he's not the bad guy here, his family and friends would have smelled sad too if he died in that alley. Maybe not Corey, who's probably always in favour of death, but everyone else would have.

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