Chapter 5

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"Hey little wolf?"

Liam is confused for just about two seconds on why he's waking up to Theo's whispering voice and then he's roaring, fangs bared and eyes gleaming gold, two inches from his face, his own anger burning him more than the ropes around his wrists and neck.

"You're dead" He growls as Theo steps back out of his reach, making his blood boil even more. "Do you hear me? I'm going to fucking kill you, you traitorous piece of s-"

"Hey, calm down, I didn't do anything." Theo raises his hands in a defensive manner and Liam growls loudly between his teeth, pulling the ropes with all his strength and managing only to cut his skin even more, as the smell of wolfsbane and blood fills his nostrils.

"Oh you didn't do anything, Mr. I don't take rejection well?" He snarls trembling with anger. He doesn't care that his limbs feel aching and weak, as soon as he breaks free he's going to fuck everyone up, starting with the asshole in front of him. He's not even distracted by his hotness this time, fuck his blue eyes and fuck his perfect hair, every second spent looking at his stupid face is a second in which he's not throwing him against a wall, so a wasted second.

"They were looking at me!" Theo glances at the closed door on their left and he somehow still seems to think Liam will believe even one word coming out of his mouth. He gives another push to the ropes, taking in that it's useless and he's bound to a large metallic grid in what looks like some abandoned warehouse.

"What are you even doing with them?" He snaps back cold as he bends his left wrist as much as he can, trying to reach the rope with his claws. "You said you were wrong about werewolves." Just buy some time, come on. And then fuck them all up. Liam can't wait for that part.

"Yes, and I wasn't going to come back, but they said they had a present for me and then they brought you in, I had no idea-"

"Oh my god, what did you think they were going to gift you, they're murderers!" Liam growls frustrated, feeling pain even on the tips of his fingers as he tries to extract his stupid claws another bit, just enough to scratch the rope. But he can't even touch it.

"I don't know okay, it's my birthday in two weeks" Theo replies defensive, glancing again at the door, an hurried look in his eyes.

"Is it?"


"Happy birthday."


"It's not your birthday you idiot."

"You just said-"

"Yes, because it brings bad luck to wish someone happy birthday before his actual birthday and I'm wishing you all the bad luck in the world, I hope you get run over by an ice-cream truck and spend your birthday in a coffin you fucking asshole!" Liam actually snaps his fangs in the air in the impossibility to sink them in some part of Theo's body and he's both satisfied and irritated when Theo takes another step back. A little more drawing back and he's going to fall out of the window, and then Liam will still be all tied up and about to die but he will be happy.

"Look, I didn't do this, okay? I'm not the one who caught you!" He says quickly and this, Liam can believe it, because the only thing he'd be able to catch is a cold. "I was just playing along."

"You told them where I live." Liam feels the bile throbbing in his throat as he glares at Theo. He bought him pizza, for fuck's sake. How can you do this to someone who bought you pizza? This is sick and it's worst than when he stabbed him in his stomach. But then again, he did stabbed him in the stomach after thirty seconds they knew each other, Liam can't really blame the world for his own naivety this time.

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