Chapter 2

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"Hey Scott! It's Liam, yes, hi, no no don't worry, I don't need anything, everything is fine, sure. We're doing great. So, how are things in college? Good, good. Listen, hypothetically speaking, if I had an unconscious hunter that wants to kill me in my basement, what should I do with him? No, no, I said hypothetically, I'm just writing down notes and guidelines for possible scenarios, I don't actually have...oh, okay, I see. I'll call you just for real scenarios then, sure. Yeah no, it's fine, it was hypothetical I swear. So I shouldn't kill him right? Hypothetically? Even if he's an asshole and he stabbed me three tim-no no, it's still hypothetical, I just pictured a very detailed scenario. All in my head, yes. Fine. Why should I worry about what to do in case things happen, right? I'll just wait for them to actually happen and react by being completely unprepared, like we always do, because that worked so well in the past. No, I'm not mad. Okay, sure, go, do your thing. Yeah yeah, totally not mad, I promise. It's better this way anyway, the sooner you learn who your real friends are the better. Okay, I'll call you later. Bye Scott."

That was so pointless. Liam is going to become an Omega one day and fuck all the bullshit about lone wolves not making it, what's the point of an Alpha if he cares more about his own education than helping his first bitten beta with hypothetical hunters that are actually totally real and tied up to a chair in front of him right now? It's been twenty minutes and the asshole is still sleeping, he's so dramatic. Liam has been stabbed and he didn't even think about taking a nap. There is also a big bump swelling his way on Theo's forehead now, with the sole purpose of trying to make Liam feel guilty, a purpose failed already since Liam just wishes for it to keep growing and growing until Theo's neck breaks under the weight of it. That would serve him right. You can't stab people with a broken neck, can you.

"Wake up." He orders, glaring at Theo's lowered eyelids.

He doesn't. Liam focuses on his breathing, which sounds fine, just like his heartbeat, and proceeds to glare at him again. He's being so dramatic, Liam wouldn't be surprised if he was waiting for his true love to kiss him back to life, he bets he's extra just like that. But he can wait forever, nobody is going to kiss him as long as he's tied up in his basement.

Liam keeps glaring, because he wants for his glare to be the first thing Theo sees when he'll finally stop overreacting, but his phone vibrating in his pocket interrupts and startles him.

He glares at his phone too, before he sees who it is. Oh yeah, he forgot he texted Mason earlier, just before dragging Theo's body home. Mrs Jenkins totally saw him by the way, but she didn't even blink, which offended Liam a lot because what the hell, has she a so low opinion of him that she expects him to kidnap people? Mr Robins saw him too to be fair, but he doesn't count because Liam always cuts his grass for free so he could murder an entire family in front of him and still be 'the nice kid'.

Received: "Liam, do you remember when you assured Scott you were going to take care of everything and be the responsible one in his absence? ...How does the picture you just sent me featuring you holding a dagger over a dead guy in a dark alley fit into that?"

Liam snorts. What is it with everyone being so dramatic today?

Time to take another selfie.

He holds his phone up in front of himself and bends a little, in order to include Theo tied up to the chair in the shot, then he smiles to the camera, because he always comes out terrible in pictures when he doesn't. He types "He's alive" and sends the picture to Mason.

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