Chapter 7

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  The following day was "cake day".

"Everyone listen up, today is cake day so you all should get your head cracking with recipes and get your hands baking sweet cakes, all required ingredients are in the store".

"Then you have to keep the cake in the freezers hidden in your rooms. The best cake will be served in the hall the night before we go home and the owner of the best cake will have a taste of the next best two".

Everyone then hurried to the hall.


Jason had the upper hand because he knew where the fridge was. When he had heard that Dan died he took his anger out on everything around him.

It resulted in a stubbed toe and an open freezer with a lot of drinks and snacks in it. He was in no hurry yet.


At the hall, it most mostly the girls doing all the work while the boys were watching but not with Alyssa and Jason. Jason did the baking while Alyssa watched.

"All those years of watching Mum cook, bake and grill are finally paying off."

He called out everything he needed and she willingly brought them over to the table. He saw a look of victory in her eyes but ignored it.

Jason hurriedly but accurately measured out and mixed the ingredients together but he had forgotten the temperature.

"Gosh, I can't remember the temperature she said to bake it"

"Try 120• for 5 minutes" suggested Alyssa. The cake turned out practically perfect.

"How did you know"

"Know what?"

"The temperature!"

"It's at the back of the recipe". And funny enough it was there.

The camper came to their table and asked for the name of the cake.

"Witchy Witch" Jason replied.

"It looks nice, better hurry to your room".

And off they went holding the cakes carefully so they won't fall it. No one was there yet so Jason knew he was the first.

He hit the panel between his and Dans bed and the fridge appeared. He placed the cake in and heard a click. A timer.

He looked up and saw it was working. That means that whoever is in charge of monitoring it knows we're here. Maybe it's the CAMPER.

He looked at Alyssa. She was in his bed. He went over to where she was and kissed her. He took his shirt off and was almost through with hers when some boys entered the room.

"Excuse me" one of them blushed.

"Shit". Jason cursed while putting his shirt back on

"I'm leaving, they're waiting outside" said Alyssa and Oh! About the cake, where did you get the recipe, it was delish"

I had no idea she had tasted the cake.

"I found it in my grams cookbook". He lied

"Can I have it? I could give it to my sister since she loves baking".

He kissed her not wanting her to leave but remembers the guys outside.

"Bye" she said leaving as two boys were entering. When they were sure that she had walked far away they started talking.

"Wow, that was one smokin' hot chick and I heard she's rich too" the one with blonde hair said.

"Yes I know, that's why i hooked up with her". Jason replied.

"Could you hook us up with one of her sisters or friends" the black haired one asked.

"It's up to her man" Jason said referring to Alyssa

"Well that's cool dude" said blondie

"Okay, I need to get some shut eye" Jason said

"Have a nice dream and dream about us bro" the blondie said again

"Leave" shouted Jason. He was irritated and he didn't even know their names or cared to know it.

As he flopped on his bed and closed his eyes he realized he didn't hear them leave but was too sleepy to care.

He slept through the rest of the day and night.


She came again with rosy cheeks and a rosy complexion. She was visibly glowing.

She was baking and said it wasn't for him but for the other campers and he wasn't to eat or touch it.

Jason woke up and realized it was just a dream. He slept back.


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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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