Chapter Fourteen

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Yes, This is the end of the book. I hope you enjoy the final chapter! And please Vote, Follow if you havn't and I will have a special comment area at the end so please enjoy! -XE

Doubtful Happiness


"Huh..?" My eyes slowly open. "Saizo.." His smile is illuminated in the sunlight his eyes sparkle as he smiles at me. He leans on his hand as I am nuzzled in the corner of his body. 

"You are funny when you sleep.." He pinched my cheek.

"O-w.." I laugh quietly. His morning voice was sexy..

"Get up we are going some where." He gets up looking down on me.

"It's so early.."

"Stop complaining." He gently kicks my leg.


"Where are we going?" I ask innocently. Of course he walks ahead of me and I trail behind. The morning dew lavished the leaves as we passed.

"It's a surprise. Now hurry." He says in his usual tone.

"Why are you always so pushy." I mutter so he wouldn't hear but I failed..

"Uff.." I crashed into his back. He turns to me as if he is about to scold me, so I close my eyes.

"Saizo...?!" I open my eyes to see he is now carrying me!

"I can walk!" I struggle. His grip is too tight however and he gives me a sly grin. I pout.

He had been walking for a while and I just sat in his arms. He was amazing. After everything he has gone through his life.. he is so strong willed, just like before. I had thought he was a cold, cruel man with no insight on how anyone felt. But Boy, how I was wrong. Saizo is the most genuine, and sweet person I have probably ever met. In the beginning, I looked to him as a brother, but now.. now I hold his heart in the palm of his hands and cherish it. As I gaze at his beautiful face, he looks down at me and smiles. 

"We are here." I hadn't even realized we'd stopped, he let me to my feet and little did I know the beauty I was about to witness.

A meadow.. surrounded by trees. It was unique. I had never seen such a wonderful meadow place in such a off place. The evergreens circled the meadow. Lavender everywhere.. The smell enveloped me and I had walked into it caressing the flowers with my fingers. It was so beautiful.. Tears began to well in my eyes. I turn to Saizo.. He is watching me with the most gentle smile. He walks up to me and places his hand on my cheek. I look up to him, these tears.. they weren't of sadness, no, they were of happiness. Where I am, how far I had gotten, with these Ninja.. Thank you Father, mother.. for leading me here. If it weren't for you, I'd be lost.. I look up at Saizo, his hand still resting on my cheek. He wiped away the tears.

"..such a baby.." 

"I am aren't I?" I lean up to kiss him. Our lips touched, as if electricity had flown from both of our bodies, the warmth had been given to me. This.. is love.

"I love you.." Saizo whispers as our lips grew a centimeter apart. His eyes open.

"..and I love you.." He embraced me and we just stood there like that for a while.

Later on in the day.

Saizo had gone to train with Master Goemon and the others. I sit in the garden with Yoshitsune, feeding the Koi in the pond.

"You are no longer the girl Goyo found on that battlefield.." A bit startled by Yoshitsune sudden words I look up to him.

"..No longer lost without a memory. You are a woman, who knows what she wants and desires to be. No matter, I always want happiness for you." Yoshitsune's gaze felt so lovingly on me. I smile at him giving him every reason to believe I was, I was truly happy.

"I have decided something Yoshitsune.." If I were to tell anyone, I knew Yoshitsune should be the first to know..

"What is it Nanami?"

"I have decided that I will be going to China, I want to take back the Treasures. It's what my father and mother would have wanted. Carry on the Horai Legacy." Prepared to see Yoshitsune startled, instead I see the incomparable smile spread wide on his face.

"You are quite the woman. I will always support you, Little Nanami."

My heart sank. "Yoshitsune.." He chuckles. I go into hug him. 


"Huh?!" Me at Yoshitsune let go of each other and are startled by the horn.

"A horn?" I say hesitantly.

"Yes. I believe a special visitor has arrived at the estate." We leave the garden to search for Master Hanzo.

We enter the entrance hall, and see Master Hanzo and Elder Hattori, all the color in their skin wiped away. What is going on?!

I approach further leaving Yoshitsune behind. Master Saizo and the others are there too.

"P-Princess.." Elder speaks out. The man turns to me, he looks foreign..? I gulp. I don't understand.. I look at Saizo confused.

"Princess Kusunoki, Nanami Horai, Sacred Guardian of the Three sacred Treasures.. I have some tragic news.." This man, he looks to be beat up. I have a nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"W-What is it?" What? I have tears in my eyes. Do I already know what he is going to say..? 

"I am a messenger from Emperor Shii. He is dead, and so are his predecessors."

My heart beat. It stopped.

"..what.." Tears stream down my face, a current. Saizo comes to me.

"The emperor and his three sons are dead." Three. There are four!

"I-Is Goyo alive!!" I yell startling everyone in the room. Yoshitsune came quickly.

"Tell me is he dead!!" Water clouds my vision.. I can't think. I can't!


"Well don't stop there!" Yoshitsune yells.

"..he is taken. His fiancee had vanished as well. We do not know where she is but.." He pauses. His pained voice surely continues.

"The Hieshi.." No..

"They have Prince Goyo."

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I honestly hope you enjoyed this Book. Obviously by the cliff hanger there should be a second one. Please let me know if you want a second I'd be more than happy to Post the second. Again I hope you enjoyed following Nanami's journey! Vote for this story!! -XE

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