Chapter Four

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Body Pillow

"Kiya!" I face planted in the grass.. Saizo removes his foot from my back. I never once thought doing push ups could be so painful..

"Again." Saizo says. 

"I am fine thank you for asking!" I grumbled at Saizo as we try again. He chuckles evilly. 

"This should be easy. No, try putting all your weight in your feet. Let me do it for you."

"..!" He presses my sandals so I cannot move them.

"Ah..! That only made it worse."

"Oh quit complaining." 

We continued push ups for a while longer. I thought those were bad, but the pull ups he made me do, maybe a thousand times worse.

"Since you move at a slow pace we will continue tomorrow," Saizo says disappointingly.

"You are impossible to please." He stands in front of me pinching his nose.

"You stink." Ah!... How rude. "No need to make a face, I smell as well. Ninja should not stink, it gives away our position.. and from how badly you smell we would be caught from a mile away," he says annoyed. I frown. M-meanie..

Luckily we found a lake near by, it was only last light when we got there, the sun was shining bright on the blue crystal clear water. "How beautiful," I smile. Saizo places his bag down and comes to stand near me. "Yes it is." He says plainly and bonks me on the head. "..!?" I rub my head.

"What did I do?!" I grumble. 

"Well you aren't taking your clothing off, order was and order after all." he says nonchalant.

"E-excuse me but I am not stripping in front of a man!" I argue.

"Do not worry, I am not interested in women."

Huh.. "So you are interested in men?" (BONK)

"Fool, of course not!" Ouch! "I do not look at women, I am fine alone. I am in no need of such happiness" He ties his sandal while saying so. He isn't looking for women..? Before I could not imagine Saizo to be romantic, however being alone with him I feel its there, but hidden.

"Well? Are you going to go bathe?" He looks up at me annoyed. I look at him like I would to a brother and nod.

"I will go collect fire wood before it gets dark, you can bathe alone if you'd like." He says and walks off. 

It feels nice being alone. I take off my sandals one by one and dip my toes in the shallow water swishing it back and forth. "It feels warm, and relaxing," I take off my Kimono and hang it on a branch and head back to the water. I walk deeper and deeper into it, cleaning parts of my body which did smell. It was embarrassing. (SWOOSH) I feel something whip across my legs and instinctively look down. "Ah!" It was a snake! I scream. "Nanami..!" I hear Saizo and he zooms to me lifting me out of the water and into his arms. 

"What is it, what happened?!" 

"T-there was a snake.." I tremble. He sets me down. He reaches in and grabs the snake and throws it into the bushes. He looks at me and quickly turns away awkwardly. ..Why, is he blushing..?! 

"Nanami, your clothing," he says his eyes wide open but he doesn't look at me.

"..!" I am nude! He saw me naked!! My cheeks flush red and I run to my Kimono. How embarrassing! He saw me nude.. Oh no.

"I cannot marry now.." Saizo turns to me as I am buttoning up.

"Don't be foolish." He says annoyed. "Are you alright?" he puts his muscular hand on my shoulder, his tone is different, his face at ease and gentle. "Y-yes. Thank you." I have never seen Saizo that way..

It had got dark out and I had picked berries while Saizo bathed, but he didn't want me going far. We sat infront of his fire, and I munched on the berries I picked. It was quiet, all to be heard was the crackling of the wood in the fire, the view of the moon on the lake was breath taking. I looked at Saizo. Stunning.. His  purple hair shined under the moonlight and his expression was to the lake. He crossed his legs and leaned on the log. Eh. He turns to me.

"Why do you stare?" He murmurs.

"Ah.." I blush. "It's nothing!"

"Are you finished?" he says annoyed. When is he not.

"You haven't eaten anything," I hold my hand out with the berries. He eyes my hand and brushes me off.

"I don't eat  much," he sighs and gets up. He steps on the ember and I pout. What does that mean? Why is he so withdrawn?

We reside on the shore. I use my shall as a blanket. Saizo lay next to me looking up at the sky. I smile and shut my eyes. All the sudden I am embraced! ..! "Eh.." Saizo is hugging me tightly.

"I am not a pillow..!" I try to wiggle but its impossible.

"Stop moving, you are soft," he snugs on my chest. ..! Soft? "Just be my body pillow and go to sleep.." he murmurs. I quit moving and just stare at Saizo asleep on me. He is so warm.. His heavy breathing is relaxing and I begin to doze off. I do not know weather to be happy or angry that he uses me as a body pillow.. but I cant help but smile.

Ooh, some touchie feelie going on huh?

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Next time in Kamisama Ninja~

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