Chapter Six

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Uff! I pant as me and Kuma clang wooden swords. It had been three weeks since we'd arrived.

This is impossible. I have not got one single point! We were barring in the mountain, it was nearly noon and I was ready to pass out. Kuma was a big woman who had just accepted me as the princess a couple days ago. She, like Master Saizo was hard to please. Saizo sat counting us off. (PANT)

"Nanami are you tired? We can continue tomorrow." Saizo says. I am wheezing, however Kuma has not even broken a sweat. As I see Kuma's smile I rise up.

"No! I am not finished," I have to get one point at least..

Saizo smiles, "Good enthusiasm." (SLANG) I fall flat on my butt. 

"You are a very strong willed lady," Kuma is laughing teasily. 

"I will not give up!" At that moment a bird catches my gaze.

"Chamoruti?" Master Saizo goes to the bird perched on the tree. Chamoruti is Hanzo's bird, who curiously grew a fast liking to me. He holds a note in his talons..? Saizo reads it. 

"Kuma will you be alright handling the Princess?" he askes. 

"Of course Lord Saizo," she smiles. I take a breath.

"Good luck, Nanami," he teases, and pats my head. He strolls down the mountain.

"Master Hanzo must need him," Kuma says, blushing slightly, getting into stance mode. I return with a fierce expression. This time!

"Uff.." Kuma trips me with the sword and chuckles. 

"You are too good, Kuma," I sigh finally after the hundredth time since Saizo left. "I cannot even get one point.."

Kuma looks happily at me giving me a hand. "You are pretty good though princess. You almost had me a couple of times." she brightly smiles. This gives me fuel. "Okay, again" I ready. Something catches my eye however. I look down into the small ravine  nesting beside us and see men.

"Are we almost to Iga sir?"

"Ah.. we are but close! Ready your weapons men!" 

"..!" Oh no. Those are Oda's men! I look at Kuma who now stood next to me. "We cant let them get near the village!" Kuma picks up a stone and throws it at one of the many men. "oof!" He falls to the floor alerting the rest to look at us.

"Are those Iga women!" one man asks.

"Yea! Get them!" They race up towards us and Kuma looks at me.

"Run Princess!" 

"I will stand and fight too!" I hesitate. I cannot let her fight these men alone. "Run Princess alert Master Hanzo!" With her persistence I make my way through a couple of trees without being seen. 

"Be ready to face death!" A man says, the men drawing their swords. Oh no. Kuma attacks a few leaving some unconsious. One man she uses her special move lifting him up and breaking his neck.

"Ah..!?" Kuma is struck on the shoulder! She falls to her knees, the man laughs evilly. I have to do something. It was a moment of thought but a dagger was flown from my hand into the mans chest. huh.. times stops then speeds up again.

"Ahg!" he melts to the floor. I quickly go by Kuma's side.

"Fool! I told you too run!" We dodge most of their attacks. I am so suprised of my movements it all just comes in the moment.. what is this? Finally they have us both up against the tree, my dagger out I protect the bleeding Kuma with my body.

"Silly girl.. OOF!" the man in front of me collapses from a shruiken in his spine and I see a figure. "Saizo?!"

"Don't you assholes know its forbidden to even touch women in these parts." He is serious. 

"Who are you!?" a man shouts.

"You are a ninja! Get him men." It was an instant the men who attacked all fell to the floor with last shrieks of life. He didn't use anything but his hands.. and how he dodged it all.. wow. I still protect Kuma with my body.

"Oh no! We need to go! Retreat!!" The men hurry off in the way they came. My nerves are at their highest and I hold the dagger firmly in my hand, but now its back to just us three. I drop it, and turn to Kuma. I rip off the sleeve of my kimono and wrap it around Kuma's gashing wound.

"No Princess, that is an expensive Kimono.." Kuma says flabbergasted at what I had done. I just gave her a look.  When Kuma is up and standing I turn to Saizo who was standing there uncertain. 

"Are you alright Nanami?!" I take one look at his eyes and collapse in his arms. "It was so frightening," I cried. He caressed my head as I let it all out. "I have never taken a life.." (WEEP) 

"Its alright now," he smiles gently. "At times like these we don't have a choice." He wipes the tears from my eyes.

"Ah.. could Master Saizo like you Princess," interrupting my weeping, Kuma chimed. 


"What? Don't be ridiculous!" he says sternly showing only anger in his face. I look at him and by one look I see he is trying to hide something in his face. We begin to walk and I look at Saizo walking next to me. "May I hold your hand?" I say. It was because I continued to tremble and he gave me a sense of security.. "Ah.. fine," he turned his face away from mine, we intertwined our fingers, his grip was so warm. We held hands down the mountain. 

That night I lay awake my eyes out the window. I look at Saizo faced away from me. I haven't been alone to my thoughts, and that was something I ran from. My past, is it fate that brought me here to this point? Was it Kamisama answering my prayers? For a better life for the people around me. Me. Something I lost a long time ago. I wasn't to found of thinking of myself. My family have always been my thoughts. Father, mother, they both left gashes in my heart I could not heal from. My pain made it all real. Old and new feelings curled in my chest. My gaze was on Saizo. His presence made me feel good. Words could not describe this familiar feeling. If I didn't know any better I was falling for this man. This man, who teases me and is quite rude, but more or less gentle and hidden away from the common sight. How did my life become this way? I felt my eyes burn a bit. I stared out the window.

"Are you unable to sleep?" his serene voice broke the silence and my painful thoughts echoed in my mind. He now faced me.

"..." I couldn't say a word. My lips were sown with grief. Oh.. my tears are are sliding down my cheeks. Sniff.

"Don't cry," his voice so gentle and calm, he wiped away my tears and sorrow with his beautiful hand.

"Do you miss your parents?" he says so serene. He can see right through me cant he? His words only make the tears flow more.

"I am here with you." I shut my eyes. My body just understands, my heart cant. Ah.. I am pulled onto him my head now rests on his chest and he strokes my hair. 

"Sleep now." he says his voice normal. I fade off, hearing Master Saizo's heart beat. The sound made me realize, I do love him..

Woa! Hold up! Did Nanami JUST PULL THE 'L' Card?! Oh goodness.. 

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Next Time in Kamisama Ninja~

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