Chapter Twelve

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A Faint Breath, New Beginning

The flowers.. "They are beautiful aren't they?" I ask smiling at Saizo. Our hands intertwined under the bright mystifying sky.

"Yes," He kneels down and plucks a pristine flower, he touches it to perfect it while smiling gently, "Ah.. but now it is officially the most beautiful thing I have seen," he says as he places it in my hair. My hand is pressed to his chest, and I look up to his passionate gaze, "Saizo?"


"Know that I love you with all that who I am," A tear runs down my eye.

"Do you love me?," he snickers caressing my hair. His smile began to dim, the once bright sky begins to dim disturbingly. He removes his hand and I see blood on it..

" happy, for me. Because I love with you,"

"How am I suppose to survive without you hear by my side?" His tone becomes serious and emotionless. This once dazzling dream had grown frightening, the clouds are black and the flowers are all dead. Goyo's words began to fly though the wind. I look back to Saizo who was no longer there. Where he stands is my Father..


"Come to peace now my Nanami," his hand is held out, I look at it wanting to take it, every morsle besides one said too. 

"Father, I have failed you, I have failed our legacy. I cant be happy knowing this."

"You have not failed. You have the strongest will, and you had fought for the sake of others my child. But now you must let go and rest."

"I do not deserve that.. I cannot accept it." I shut my eyes to hold my tears, then open them to see Oda Nobunaga standing their with my fathers head. I scream. "Noooooo!!!" I am falling into nothingness.

The words of my father flash in my head, its time to let go? Then Saizo..

"N...!" A faint whisper echoes my mind. This hell that has consumed me, Saizo please save me. I want him to come and take me away to our happy place. I think of father once more, his held out hand. I need to take it..

"I found her!! The princess she is by the stream here!!" Another echo courses through my mind, louder than before. I see.. ninja?

"..Saizo.." I breath. 

(THUMPTHUMPTHUMP) Is someone carrying me..? Ah! The pain in my chest, it makes everything numb once again.

"..Nanamiiii..!" S-Saizo.. his cryies echo my ears again. I am here! I cant die and leave Saizo alone but, I cant open my eyes. I am shaken. 

"Oh no..!" Goemon's voice is heard, "Goemon get Yoshitsune!!!!" Saizo is yelling fiercely at the top of his lungs. 


"..I cant get a pulse.." Kotaro says.

"You aren't thinking clearly!" Saizo yells angered to the extreme. I feel a light weight left from my body. I am quickly asleep again.

My eyes flutter open weakly. I see a familiar ceiling is above me. Yoshitsune's mansion..? I cant move though. I try to circle my eyes around but I cant do that either. The urge to call out to Saizo is so great I finally mutter. I cant just lay here. With a jolt that is sent through my body I lift myself out of the bed to see the one person I'd longed for. 

"Unh..!" I groan at the pain that waves through my body.

"Nanami..!" Saizo is sitting beside me in utter shock.

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