2 weeks later
Taylor's p.o.v
I can't imagine what he is doing to her right now. I just wish I knew where they were at. It's been two weeks since I heard from her. The cops gave up on finding her yesterday, but I'm not giving up. I will find her if it's the last thing I do.
Alexia's p.o.v
It been 2 weeks since I heard from Taylor. Gosh I miss him so much. Zach hasn't hurt me actually. He says he just wants to spend time with me. We've been in this cabin everyday just watching movies and stuff. He said as long as I don't try to escape then he wouldn't hurt me. I've finally found my phone that he hid in the cookie jar. I swear he is so dumb. That's the worst place to hide it since he knows I love cookies. Zach left a couple minutes ago to go to the store for food.
Taylor's p.o.v
I just left to go to the store for some food. I was walking down the chip aisle when I swear I saw Zach. No he can't be that dumb to come in public when he's wanted. I got closer and sure enough that was him. Instead of attacking I went to my car and got out this tracking device. I just has to remember what car he drives. It's like 50 cars out here, but as soon as I said that Zach was coming out the store.
He put his groceries in the trunk and I sneaked to the front of his car and hooked the tracking device under the car. I ran and got in my car and called the cops and told them everything. Tonight my baby is coming home.
Alexia's p.o.v
I went on the App Store and bought them app that can find any weapons. I went around the house and found 3 guns and 2 knives.
I put them in a garbage sack and hid them in the basement under the couch. I heard Zach pulling up and I turned my phone off and put it back in the stupid cookie jar. I grabbed a soda and some chips and watched Netflix.
Zach's p.o.v
What is wrong with me I can't believe I kidnapped Alexia. I know I use to abuse her but I really did miss her. My teenage hormones are kicking in though. I walked in the house and put the food up. Alexia was sitting on the couch watching The last song. I don't know why she loves that movie so much. She looked really hot in her pajamas though. I want her so bad.
Alexia's p.o.v
Zach came in and put the food up. I was sitting on the couch watching The last song. He kept on staring at me.
What are you looking at?
"The most beautiful girl in the world"
Umm okay.
He started walking towards me. He grabbed my arm and put me across his back.
Zach put me down
He through me on his couch that was in the basement and started kissing on me
Zach stop
"No I've waited to long for this"
I almost forgot I hid the guns under the couch were on.I slowly started reaching for the bag.I started feeling around for the gun. It was pretty hard trying to find a gun with one hand while someone is on top of you. I finally felt one I got a good grip on it and pushed zach off of me.
Taylor's p.o.v
Okay it's time for mission get my baby girl back. I tracked down were they were at. The police followed me to the old cabin in the woods. We got out the car and walked towards the door. I heard screaming and It was Alexia she was screaming at him. The cops kicked the door and quietly snuck up stairs. I opened the door to the basement I think. Alexia was standing there holding a gun to his head screaming at him.

Best friends brother( A Taylor Caniff fanfic)
FanfictionAlexia and Maci have been bestfriends for a while now. But when she starts to fall head over heals for him, will her life change.Does their friendship end when Alexia starts to fall in love with her bestfriends twin brother?