Caylee's p.o.v
I'm sitting beside Carter in these uncomfortable hospital chairs. I can't believe he is in a coma, and I'm the reason. What was I thinking? Why did I cheat on Carter? Oh I know why because of Jack Finnegan Gilinsky .
*flashback*(2 months ago)
I was at my house watching reruns of "Make it or break it" and I hear a knock on loud knocking on the door. I get up and open the door and there is drunk Jack at my door. He stumbles in and was mumbling something but I couldn't understand him. Jack what are you doing here? "Lacey left me". That doesn't explain why you're here. "Can I just crash here for tonight". Jack I don't think that's a good idea, why don't I call one of the guys to come get you. "No, please I just want to sleep". Well you can sleep at one of the guys house. I picked up my cell phone to dial Carters number, but he grabbed it and stuck it down his pants. Jack give me my phone now. "Nope goodnight I'm going to bed". Wait my phone. He kept walking and went upstairs to the guess room.
Later that night I feel my bed dip down and someone laying beside me. Jack! "yes". What the heck are you doing! "It was cold so I came in here to cuddle with you" Haven't you heard of covers. "yeah but I like you better". Jack I'm dating Carter. "I know but i liked you first". then he did something I didn't expect his lips crashed against mine. I didn't pull back the kiss had so much passion and I felt sparks. No I can't do this in dating Carter. "What he doesn't know what hurt". I love you Caylee. I can't believe he said that. I-I love you too Jack.
*End of flashback*
Taylor's p.o.v
Alexia come on Carters in the hospital. "I'm coming shut up and stop rushing me". She walked down the stairs and we got in my car. I knew we shouldn't have left him there. "Well we didn't know Jack was going to beat him like a piñata." I just hope he is okay. "He will be fine babe". I put my hand on her thigh and continued to drive to the hospital. We pulled up and walked inside to the front desk. What room is Carter Reynolds in. "245". Thank you. We walked down the long hallway until we got to room 245. I opened the door and there his lifeless body was. But he wasn't the only one there.
Alexia's p.o.v
Caylee what are you doing here. I asked my voice not sounding so nice. "I'm sorry Lexi, I didn't mean for any of this to happen." Even though she hurt one of my friends, I felt bad for her. "Will he forgive me?" Well first he has to wake up, but I really don't know. "Oh my gosh, I don't know what I would do if he died because of me." Calm down Caylee, Carter is a strong person he will be okay. "Thanks Lexi, you're a good person." I know.
Lacey's p.o.v
"Last seen in a little black dress watch out for those eyes ' cause she's armed and dangerous like bow" my ringtone played signaling that someone was calling me. I slid my finger across the screen and answered it.
*Phone Convo:*
Jack:hey Lacey I need a huge favor
Lacey:Jack why are you calling me from the police station, why are you even calling me?
Jack:well I might have beat up Carter.
Lacey:Jack I'm not bailing you out especially since you left me because I would have sex with you.
Jack: Lacey please I'm so sorry.
Lacey:yes you sure are sorry
Lacey:how much is your bail?
Lacey:I swear you get on my nerves, I'll be there In ten.
*End of convo*
About 10 minutes later
I'm here to bail out Jack Gilinsky. "$300 please" Here you go mam. "You can take a seat over there while I go get him." He walked out beside the lady police officer. We walked outside and he kissed the ground. "freedom" he screamed. Jack shut up for I leave you here. "no, I never want to go back there." Where do you want me to drop you off at? "your place." No can do I have a date. "A date?" Jack it's been two months since you left me, I hope you didn't think I would wait for you. "kinda." Well I didn't I been dating this guy for a month now and I've changed. I not after Alexia and Taylor anymore. I've met someone who I've fallen in love with. "who?" His name is Sam Wilkinson.
Carter's p.o.v
I wake up and hear crying. I look over and see Caylee crying her eyes out. I suddenly remember why I'm in a hospital. Caylee what's wrong? "Carter you're awake, I'm so sorry I cheated on you with Jack." I forgive you Caylee,but I think we should slow things down. "I would do anything to be with you again." I love you to much to let you go Caylee. "I love you too Carter, I will go get the doctor." thanks.
30 minutes later
Doctor's p.o.v
Well son your injuries weren't that bad just a minor concussion. You can leave whenever. Have a good day son. "thanks doctor"
No problem Mr.Reynolds.
Well Lacey bailed out Jack. Yay Lacey is not after Alexia and taylor anymore👏👏👏
Lacey has a new man and I don't think Jack likes that...
Carter forgave Caylee and is now out the hospital..
Stick around to see what's going to happen in the next chapter.
Bye till next time😘

Best friends brother( A Taylor Caniff fanfic)
أدب الهواةAlexia and Maci have been bestfriends for a while now. But when she starts to fall head over heals for him, will her life change.Does their friendship end when Alexia starts to fall in love with her bestfriends twin brother?