Late again

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"Ok ok, I'm here... What's up!" Gloyd stated excitedly, his eyes glanced around, darting in and around the other racers when they landed on Rancis. He was speaking to Candlehead and Taffyda. As Gloyd jumped out of his car the crowed seemed to turn and face him, they had angry looks on their faces. Rancis looked at him too, he wasn't angry thought he looked at him with a smile and sniggered a little. 'Boy he has the cutest snigger, and smile!' He thought to himself, whist the others simply looked at him still angry!

Vanellope approached him blocking his view, she seemed quite annoyed. "Why are you so fudging late!" She asked in an angry tone.

"I was busy, I had to do...some...sort of...ya know...thing..." As he stated this Vanellope rolled her eyes as his face went bright red.

"Your a terrible lier!"


"Common, ya big doi, we all know you slept too late again, just come clean!"

"Ok, yeah I slept in!"

"You need to stop doing this you know that right!" She looked at him seriously, and that was unusual for Vanellope, who is usually the one goofing off!

"I know, it's just... I don't know..." Gloyd mumbled the last part and trailed off, he was ashamed but, wasn't. Everyone turned away and continued their conversations, most walked off. Gloyds head hung low and he put his arm on his sholder.

"Just, please try!" Vanellope responded as she as well walked away, leaving him by his cart. Suddenly thought he felt a hand his sholder. He looked up to see what now.

"I know why your always sleeping in!" It was Rancis, he sat on Gloyds cart next to him, "It's me, and my stupid dreams!"

Gloyd looked into Rancis' eyes and hugged him, "Nagh, it's not you, I'm just lazy!" They sat there hugging until Rancis pulled away suddenly and unexpectedly! Gloyd looked up confused. 'Wait, what did I do, oh no, everything is going wrong!' Gloyd thought.

Gloyd sat there until he asked, "Are you ok, did I do somthing?" Gloyd still looked up at him worried he just blow any chances he had with him!

"It's not you don't worry, it's me, my dreams...I...I just want to say, thank you!"

Gloyd took a sigh of relief at this, "But, wait why?" He asked curious about why a thank you to him was in order.

"Oh because, it's just, every night mostly, you've come and done somthing with me, when I wake up screaming and...and it makes me feel better."

"THE RACE WITH BE BEGINING IN 5 MINUETS, ALL RACERS TO THE START LINE!!!" The narrator yelled out of a speaker.

"Oh, we have to go to our start positions, and Rancis..." Rancis had began to walk away at the first bit but turned when he heard his name. " you want to stay at mine tonight, so you can have someone with you the whole time?"

Rancis' face lit up, he looked at Gloyd hopeful and excited, "Really?"

"Of course, if it helps that I'm around then I will always be around!"

"It really would, and I would love that very much!" The gazed into each others eyes and Gloyd moved towards Rancis. They got very close and then...

"COMMON, YOU TWO LOVE BIRDS BETTER GET A MOVE ON, THE RACE IS STATING NOW!!!" The narrorater shouted though a mic in their ears!

"Ok, ok, see you tonight!" Rancis said as he ran to kit kat.

"Yep see you then..."

Ok, I worked on this some more, tell me what you think... It's been so difficult talking about this, my crush was ages ago and now I like Vanellope so... Yeah... I might not do an update on this tomorrow because you got 2 today so we will see, if I get too many questions then no, but most likely I will! 

Rancis X Gloyd "Racers" | Short story | Wreck it RalphWhere stories live. Discover now