BUNNYS REVENGE 2/2 /finding fresh

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Hi I just wanna Pjs POV: as I was following bunny and my freshy, it's seems like she's going to an abounded classroom, as I saw her entered, i slowly walked behind her, she then turned around and grabbed me by the neck, and she....SHE KISSED ME!!!!!! I quickly pushed her away and looked at freshy, he was on the verge of crying, i carefully walk up to, but he ran off,i started to chase him but he ran off out the school, i turned around and stepped right right in front of her and slapped her I then  ran off to find fresh, but he was no where to be seen so I just let him be...
Time skip to ????
Freshs POV
I kept on running and running, tears flowing down my cheeks(?) I stopped right in front of the park entrance, I continued to walk inside, as I continued to walk I stopped at a Pond, I've decided to take a
Little Break from running, I didn't notice that it started to rain, so I've decided to find somewhereto sleep at because you home is too far and it's starting to get dark, I was about to text Alphys but.....I LEFT MY BACKPACK AT MY LOCKER?!!!
Oh no! How am I gonna call someone now...
Time skip to 3 hours of trying to find a place...
It's been 3 hours now and I've been trying to find some place to sleep at,I'm so tired.....until I Herd some strange noises in a bush, I've started to investigate, I slowly walk towards it, then it jumpy on top of me, I looked up to see a.....stay bunny, it looked so cute, it did not have any sign of a caller, soo just took it the nearest vet....
Time skip to a freaking out pj*
Pjs POV: Im freaking out right now, I've lost my freshy and the worst thing is, he left his phone in his backpack, INSIDE if his locker,how am I suppose to find him now?!? 'It's all bunny's fault...' I thought to myself,this wouldn't have happened if she didn't kissed me right in front of freshy, and plus I don't even like her,heck I've never liked her, she's to self centered and to bratty, can't she just be herself or something like freshy,he cares about everyone,but besides that point I need to find him,I don't know were he is or heck I'm not sure if he's ok,I've been trying to find for at least 3 hours,I'm getting more worried by each second, my parents must be worried,
they had been trying to contact me ever since I ran off to find fresh,and yet I denied every single text,calls and voice mails
After I find fresh I can kill that bunny (not literally tho 😑😅) as I was still very determined to find fresh ,I herd some voice near the park...it was a male voice, it sounded very familiar
I've decided to go check it out, I started to walk all the way to the 'familiar voice', when I got closer it got clearer,then it hit me like a train.... it was freshy
I ran out of the bush with tears of joy,I then hug the person that is supposed is fresh, I looked down and I was right!
I hugged him even tighter and cried even more "p-pj?" He said softly,he made circling motions that calm me down quite fast,I looked down and said "I'msosorry!ididn'tkissbunny,shestheonewhokissesme,andiwillneverloveherbecauseiloveu!!!!!"
He looked quite puzzled and confused then I realized what I said in the end.....oof.....*pj.exe has crashed*
Freshs POV yay!
I started to walk away with the bunny following me behind me,I started to talk to biscuit (yea I named it from my wolves life character from ROBLOX)don't blame meh))p.p.s follow me at gammerunicorn101 😉)))
We talked while were were walking,then all of a sudden something or someone pops out of no were,I looked up to see a very happy yet worried pj,he then hugged me like his life depended on it, I looked a little dumbfounded and confused but he looked at me again and hugged me even tighter,I know he works out and all but man he's strong 😑, I I felt some wet drops of water fall on my forehead,I looked up to see a....crying pj....I felt bad for him so I've decided to calm him down a bit,I did some circling motions with my hands,it seemed to work so eventually I was about to say sorry for running off but I guess he beats me to it like all the time "I'msosorry! ididn'tkissbunny,shestheonewhokissesme,andiwillneverloveherbecauseiloveu!!!!!" He then paused and somehow he stopped working, like how mr.error looks like when mr.ink wipers some stuff to his ears (forget u logic *throws logic to the trash where it belongs* mkay back to the story)
Anyways I then said "I'm sorry I ran off..." he started to work again and said "no I'm the one I should be sorry...." he looks down with disappointment in his eyes "no need...it was a misunderstanding!" I said reassuringly he then gave me a genuine smile not like a smirk or a sly smile no, a real genuine smile, he then explained everything, and how he didn't started it and how he hates bunny even more because of today,but I'm thankful we found each other again......I started to walk to his home because I have no clothes with me,he stopped then I said "let's keep going 'friend' ". He looked a little hurt be he followed "yea.....friends"........
Hey I'm so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry I haven't updated I've been playing ROBLOX and yea... as I said follow meh cause I'll very appreciate it anyways this took so long but at least there happy 😊 (aka pjxfresh)
Mkay bai I'm eating Ramen 🍜 Rn sooooooo bai! ——————Lolathecorgi (❍ᴥ❍Ʋ)

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