chapter three 💔

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Incoming FaceTime Call From... Angel Baby 🖤

I answered and up popped Jahseh smiley ass, "Amora my loooooove—"

I laughed and I brushed out my hair, "Hi Jah. Wassup?"

He jumped around and was being chased by his little puppy. I sat and watched amusingly. Amora laid beside me on Stokeley while he slept, last night we stayed up talking about everything.

Stoke told me that Malia wanted a 'divorce' meaning, breaking their contract and setting Stokeley free. He had been such a hell to live with that once they 'divorced', she moved back to Europe and has never been heard from again.

"Get ready bitch. Let's go get weefee a nice behind motorcycleeeee!" Jahseh grinned and panted while he got in his car. I chuckled and nodded, "Okay, Jah. See you in fifteen."

Jah blew me a kiss and winked before hanging up, oh how i have missed his dumbass.

I gently shook Stokeley awake, being careful not to wake Storm, "Stoke, wake up."

His eyes fluttered open, but once they were fully open and he was fully awake, a goofy grin appeared on his face, "This is what I've always dreamt of—" He sighed and started to rub Storms back while grinning at me. I quirked my eyebrow, "What?"

"I've always dreamt of waking up next to you with our little baby next to us in our bed. I couldn't tell you how much I wished for this when i was stuck with Malia fuckin crazy ass—" Stokeley rolled his eyes but grabbed my hand with his free one, "Thank you for letting me back into your lives."

I half smiled and slowly pulled my hand away, "Of course, Stokeley. You're her father. But we are just friends. Okay?"

He rolled his eyes into the back of his head and groaned, "Fuck you want from that skinny ass basketball playing headass loser?"

I clenched my jaw and stood up, "I love him, Stokeley. I want to start a family with him—" He shook his head, "No you don't, you know deep down you still love me—"

"Back the fuck up, we just started talking again less than a fucking week ago. Just friends—" I muttered and slid on a pair of leggings. Stokeley laughed sarcastically, "Yeah fucking right, Amora. How do you expect me to be just friends with the woman who had my fucking kid? You are the person i want to spend the rest of my life fighting with, waking up next to, making more babies with—"

I shook my head and slid on a pair of slides, "You lost that opportunity when you chose Malia over me. You knew i was pregnant yet you still chose that bitch." Stokeley gave me the most stank look I've ever seen, "You know damn well I didn't have a choice—"

Now, it was my turn to laugh sarcastically, "Fuck you. You could have avoided everything if you had told me up front about her."

My heart was breaking even more with every word, and it hurt to hear him talk the way he did. He knows all I've ever wanted to do was be his and him be mine.

Waking up next to him was my dream, starting a family young and bringing up our kids successfully.

All of that was ripped from me, by a British whore named Malia who had so much fake tan caked on she looked like a fucking Trump minion.

"I love you Amora, how many times do i have to say it for you to at least give me a second chance?" Stokeley frowned and i shook my head, "Do you remember the first time we kissed? The night on your bed?"

He sighed in defeat, "Yes, baby. I do."

My eyes began to pool with tears, "You told me it meant nothing. You told me that you only wanted your phone back. From then on i had doubts about us and about me. When you told me you loved me i couldn't believe you because you said it meant nothing, that you preferred a materialistic item over someone who can provide love and support for you. So fuck you—"

He sucked his teeth and shook his head, "I didn't mean that, Amora. You should have known that mamas. You meant everything to me—you still do. I can't live without you—"

"Clearly i don't mean that much, you left me the same day I told you i was fucking pregnant—" He opened his mouth to speak but i put my hand up and backed away from the door, "Watch Storm. Don't call unless it's an emergency."

And with that I walked out of the house and towards Jahseh as he pulled into the driveway.

I wanted to get today over with. When we pulled up to the shop i had been completely silent. So instead of going in, i asked to stay in the car.

He had parked in a weird spot, and took his keys. I was always paranoid, but something felt... weird.

The next thing i know, the passenger door flies open, and there's a gun pointed at my head, "Where's the fucking money Onfroy—"

My heart had dropped to my ass and my breathing had stopped. When i didn't answer, he dug the gun into my temple, "I know you're his fucking baby mama—tell us where the fucking money is and I'll let you go." The man yelled and my eyes had begun to water.

I knew i wasn't coming out of this alive.

"I-I-I don't know—Jahseh and i have been split for three years—" I lied straight through my teeth and the guy groaned. His buddies searched the car, my bag, and eventually he came around and felt me up, hoping to find money.

His hand roamed from the inside of my bra, to down my stomach and in between my thighs. He gave up looking when i head butted him, "She's hiding the shit—we have to kill him—"

My eyes grew wide and i frantically shook my head, "No please—" The guy cocked the gun, and clenched his jaw, "Shut your fucking mouth Onfroy."

My body began to shake uncontrollably and tears had begun to flow freely down my face, "O-Our daughter c-can't live without him. She needs him—"

After that, the man took the gun away from my head and groaned in annoyance. After seeing a chance to escape alive, i attempted to take it, but as one foot exited the car, he spun around and the last thing i remember hearing was a *POP*.

I fell back into the seat and held my chest as the men took everything that was valuable in the car and ran. A warm, liquid coated my hands and as i looked down I saw that blood had come out faster than i expected and everything began to feel fuzzy.

My eyes wouldn't stay open, but i forced them to.

Jahseh ran out, i remember seeing the worry written all over it. I loved him for caring so much. He deserved the best.

"Oh fuck oh fuck—Amora?" Jahseh scrambled and pulled out a towel from the back seat, "Ames? Baby i need you to stay awake okay?"

He placed the towel on my open wound and it felt like my lungs were collapsing and my heart was pumping too fast. Jahseh had now started to cry, it broke my heart, "Please don't go—please don't leave—I need you—i can't do this without you—Storm needs you Ames stay awake—"

Everything started getting brighter and the world began spinning really fast, "Jah—take care of her—tell Stokeley I'm sorry—"

Something in my throat was choking me, so i cough, and when i saw what came out, i regretted it.

Blood spewed from my mouth, and Jahseh had become more worried.

Apparently after the first shot, i didn't hear or feel the other three.

One in my chest, two in my stomach and one in my shoulder.

My eyes felt heavy, and I had given up.

This was it. This was the end.

"Amora you better fucking stay—AMORA—"

     No, i couldn't kill off Jahseh. I would never put you all through that trauma again. I know what it did to me and i didn't want to bring that pain back for anyone. Sorry for scaring, but it's not a book without a cliff hanger. Much love ❤️

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