chapter four 💉

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After Amora had stormed out, it was quiet, a weird quiet. Storm was laying on my chest, sleeping like a baby.

I stared at the ceiling for what felt like 5 minutes but ended up being three hours. Storm was just now waking up, and a big yawn came from her, "Morning babygirl."

She smiled and nuzzled back into my chest, "Where is mama?"

I hadn't fully heard her speak until now, and she had the cutest voice, "Mama went out with uncle Jah. Did you need something?" She nodded, "I hungry."

She rolled off of my chest and onto the bed and waited for me to get her some food.

She looked just like Amora. The way she acted was Amora through and through. Aurora had this little smile as she watched me walk around, "Dada, do you love mommy?"

I nodded and grabbed a thing of apple sauce from the mini fridge, "So much, Storm. But she doesn't love me back." Her smile had slowly faded and she began to pout, "Do you love me?"

"Of course i do mamas. You're a smaller version of your mom." I handed her the apple sauce and she began eating right away. I grabbed some clothes for her before going in and running her a bath.

I had really changed since the last time I spoke with Amora. Malia had turned me into this cold blooded, heartless person. The only people i had soft spots for were Aurora, Amora and Jahseh. Even though i was no longer in any of their lives, they gave me hope.

"Benz doesn't love mama. H-He has a friend named Malia a-and she talks funny." She giggled and slurped up the apple sauce. I frowned, "What does Malia look like?"

Storm shrugged, "She's pretty like me, brown eyes brown hair."

Malia fucking sent Bentley sus ass over here to make her fall in love with him so she'd forget about me.

But before i could ask another question, Craig burst through the door and Jahseh was on FaceTime.

"Stoke i need you to get to the hospital right now—" Jahseh rambled and I got worried, "Where's Amora?"

His eyes started to water, "Stokeley just get here—"

I shook my head, "Where the fuck is Amora, Jahseh?"

My heart started to race and all i could think about was how we left things. Why did i let her leave? We should have fixed things. How will i live with myself knowing the last time we talked, we just screamed at each other..

My attention was brought back to my phone as i heard, "Amora Xerxes?"

Jahseh perked up and walked somewhere, "Get here Stokeley. Leave the house right now." He gave me a look and i knew things weren't good.

So, i picked Storm up and we zoomed to the hospital. Craig followed, with Trunks, Steven, Bhris, Coolie and everyone.

When we arrived, I saw Jahseh sitting out front with his head in his hands. He had blood all over his white shirt. I parked the car, grabbed Storm and walked over to him, "What the fuck happened—"

He looked up and shrugged, "I went in to buy Weefee a bike, and the store manager gasped and I turned around and heard three shots. As they ran I got out to the car in time for Amora to say goodbye."

My eyes welled with tears and Jahseh stood up and took Storm, "She's in bad shape, Stoke." He cleared his throat and his eyes also began to water, "They don't think she's going to make it."

That broke my fucking heart. That little sentence held so much power behind it, and the reality was, i couldn't live without her.

We all raced up to her room where they told us, "She had to be rushed into surgery. She was brought into the emergency room with three gun shot wounds to the chest, and abdomen. Two went straight through, but the one in her abdomen did not go through. I'll give you updates every hour."

Which left us with nothing.

I sat and wondered if she was scared. I began to regret everything I had done to her. If it wasn't for me leaving with Malia we would probably be living in our own house, engaged with another baby on the way.

"It's not your fault, Stokeley." Jahseh mumbled as we all waited in the waiting area. I shrugged, "We got into a huge argument before she left."

Before Jah could respond, another doctor came out with a sad look on her face. My heart dropped and it felt like the world had stopped.

As she came closer with every step, my world became dizzy and my breathing became distressed.

This can't be true.

She can't be gone.

Who is Storm going to love on? Who is going to give Storm another sibling? How am i supposed to raise a baby alone when I've missed the first three years of her life? I'm a stranger to her, she could never love me like she loves Amora.

All i could think about was the last night we spent together. That night was perfect, and it felt like nothing had ever happened.

The time line was confusing, and we slept together the first night she came back. After Bentley had left, we got into a heated argument which lead to other heated things.

It was more than perfect, but stung when she acted like it didn't happen.

"Amora Xerxes?" The lady called out and we all stood, but Jahseh and i walked up to her. She had on pink scrubs and a white lab coat which read, 'Dr. Reed Webber M.D. OB/GYN'

"Is there any chance she told you about her pregnancy?" The doctor asked and my eyes grew wide, "Her what—"

Jahseh glanced at me and i cleared my throat, "H-How far?"

She pursed her lips, "She's super early. Three weeks."

We nodded and talked about it but when she was gone. Jahseh was staring me down like i was his fucking kid, "There summ you needa tell me bitch?"

I groaned, "The night she came back she let me pipe—"

"Damn so who baby is it?" Jah asked and i shrugged, "Amora been here for three weeks..."

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