chapter 9 🔪

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They ran tests on me for a week straight. Yet nothing had come back.

I sat in my bed with hospital food in front of me, as i looked at my bandaged up arms, i couldn't help but question why i was even here.

Of course the one named Stokeley never left my side. He kept my baby with him at all times and i was happy he let me be around her. Jahseh however made sure nobody came in, it was those two in here only.

"Soooo-" i mumbled and cleared my throat, "How did i even get here ?"

The two of them looked at each other, and Stokeley sighed, "Are you sure you're ready for that Amora? It's a lot—"

I rolled my eyes, "I asked didn't i?"

Jahseh nodded, "Well you and i had went out to buy a bike for our friend, Isaiah, who is also in the hospital. I had already picked a bike out online so you decided to stay in the car because i said it would only take a few minutes." He cleared his throat, "I go into the store and i hear gunshots, and i turned to see two guys running from the car."

My eyes grew wide, and i got a sharp pain in my stomach.

"I ran out to you, and you said goodbye. And stopped breathing." Jahseh got quiet and stared at the ground. Stokeley sighed, "From then you died , came back, was in a coma , and we also found out you were pregnant.."

My mouth fell open, "I'm .. pregnant ...? By who ?" Jahseh dropped his head, "You lost the baby, Amora. We're pretty sure it was Stokeleys."

Tears came to my eyes and i slowly closed my mouth. I waited for them to stay just kidding, or something along those lines. A tightness began to form in my chest.

My machine started to beep faster as my breathing increased. Jahseh jumped up and grabbed Storm, "I'll go get a doctor—" and as he was leaving the room Stokeley ran over to me and grabbed my non-bruised hand.

He looked me in my eyes, "Breathe baby, breathe. You got it. We're okay. You're here, safe. With me and our baby, baby you're safe."

Tears began falling down my face as he rubbed the back of my hand. I couldn't speak.

I started stuttering and everything became cloudy.

"My love I need you to focus on my voice." He said, "That's all i want from you baby just listen to me speak. You're okay. We are safe. Nobody is gone hurt you baby."

As he continued to speak, my chest began to lighten. By the time i regained vision doctors had already began examining me and damn near shoving a breathing tube down my throat.

I watched as the doctors shooed Stokeley out of my room. My heart ached as i watched him fight to stay in the room.

Maybe they were telling the truth.

I wanted to leave. Go home. Be normal again.

It felt like i was spending the rest of my life here.


When they finally got my vitals back to normal. Stokeley burst in and started crying, "You can't leave me bruh. I don't care what the fuck you're feeling. You will not leave me yo."

I frowned, "What-"

"I spent the last two fucking years of my life miserable. Missing out on my fucking baby growing. And growing with my wife. Now you're with some lame ass jit, that can kiss my ass. Cause he not getting you back." He wiped his eyes and walked up to my bed. He bent down to my face and looked at my lips. He smelt of liquor.

"Can i kiss you?" He whispered and i gulped, "I-I-I won't say n-no.."

His eyes lit up and he pressed his lips against mine.

I closed my eyes and just kissed him back. I felt a connection. I felt as if I've known him my whole life.

He pulled away and started crying again, "I gotta put a ring on yo finger bro. We have a family. Almost two babies. We need a crib. We need to be together bro. I can't do this without you Amora please don't leave me—"

He fell to his knees and grabbed my hand. Just as he was about to speak the man they called Bentley came in.

"Hey baby girl. You ok? You miss me?"

I frowned, "Bruh get the fuck up outta my shit yo. You ugly as fuck."

His eyes grew wide and Stokeley looked up at me with amusement.

"What did you just say?" Bentley stuttered and i rose my eyebrow, "You. Heard. Me. Dirt neck. The fuck outta here."

Bentley laughed and stormed out. Stokeley stood up in disbelief, "What? You don't think i ain't hear y'all while i was knocked out?"

Stokeley chuckled, "I mean ... not like that." I smiled, "I know i don't remember anything right now, but when i do we can get all of those things. Have a family. You just gotta put a ring on it."

He smiled back and kissed the back of my hand. When i get to go home I'm gonna go be happy.

Hellooooo ! Long time no see !

I've had a really tough year & forgot about everything. I remembered that i left y'all hanging on a few stories, so i decided to come back in my free time and write again.

I recently got my own crib , and am finally happy.

Happy reading, and give me feed back !

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2021 ⏰

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