Hi, I'm Matt!

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Max sat outside the Mess Hall doors, frustrated with life (and David) as always. He was waiting for Nikki and Neil to finish whatever the hell they were eating so he could go back to working on the prank that he was SURE would break David. Max could be eating with them, but he wasn't hungry. Or, more realistically, he wasn't hungry for David's food, as David was cooking today for God knows why. Just another form of defiance. Don't get him wrong, he didn't COMPLETELY hate David, he just hated his overly optimistic outlook on the shitfest everyone calls "life."

It was oddly chilly outside for summer, so he sat with his hood up and his arms crossed tightly. Despite being outside for only around MAYBE five minutes, he felt like he'd been sitting there for hours. Then again, every single fucking thing he did at this godforsaken camp felt like it took an eternity.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, he heard the whirring of the camp bus as it pulled over at the entrance. That was... weird. Why would it be pulling up? That would mean it left, which can only mean one thing...

 There's a new camper... But HOW?

 Despite being unjustifiably pissed at the concept of a new camper, he decided it would be better to go check it out than to just sit there in the same place forever, especially since David would inevitably introduce everyone to them anyways. Sighing in frustration, he began stepping his way begrudgingly toward the entrance of the camp. Confusion and irritation rested in his stomach as he walked, his cyan eyes half-lidded with a hatred towards the world.

As he reached the entrance, he heard the signature "New kid's here" of the quartermaster. Once he turned the final corner and reached the short pathway that led to the entrance, he froze. He saw in front of him, standing in the entrance like a marble statue, an all too familiar silhouette. 


Petrified, he stared at the figure, studying it wearily. The shape, the height, all those things were exactly like Max. However, everything else differed.

The skin, it was lighter. Not WHITE, but much lighter than Max's. Comparing their skin would be like comparing cinnamon spice to a pumpkin spice latte. The hair was a thick warm dark brown, like a mocha, which contrasted with Max's black hair. The jacket appeared to be pearly white, but when viewed closely, turned out to be a VERY light bluish purple. His smile was unnaturally wide and his head was tilted to the side as if no neck existed within him. But the creepiest part in Max's opinion...

Were the EYES.

They were violet, BRIGHT violet, and they glowed with an unnerving hunger that made Max shiver once they landed on him.

Fear riddled Max's body as he witnessed the mess in front of him. This was basically Daniel, Max edition. The poor Indian kid refused to step forward, or even wave as the kid stared at him, THROUGH him. 

"Why HELLO there Max!" said an overly happy voice. Max jumped in terror as David's voice suddenly broke the thick silence around them.

"God DAMMIT David!" cried Max in a mixture of anger and fear. The poor young ten-year-old took in a few deep breaths to regain his composure before looking up to his "enemy."

David chuckled. "Sorry for scaring ya Max!" said the counselor apologetically. "I was just coming by to greet the new kid!" The dark redhead motioned his hand towards the stagnant child in front of them. There he still stood, motionless, with an everlasting smile that froze Max to the ground the longer he stared.

Camp Cannibal: A Camp Camp FanficWhere stories live. Discover now