A Hint of Friendship

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Stomping off after his interrogation with Matt, Max went to search for his friends, Nikki and Neil. After a minute of angrily searching, he found them standing outside of the Mess Hall. They seemed to be casually talking.

Welp, not anymore!

"Guys!" exclaimed Max as he ran up to them agitated. "Have you been here the whole damn time? I couldn't find you anywhere! Where the Hell WERE you?!" 

"We'd just finished eating," stated Neil calmly, shrugging in some sort of subtle surrender. "Sorry, man. If we'd known you needed us we would have left."

"Whatever, it's fine I guess!" grumbled Max in his naturally angered tone. "Anyway, that doesn't matter! What matters is that we have a HUGE problem!"

Both Nikki and Neil tilted their heads slightly in confusion.

"What do you mean?" asked Nikki, intrigued.

Max sighed at the thought of having to explain, but he knew it was necessary.

"Okay," started Max, irritation obvious in his voice. "So you remember Daniel, right?" The two nodded. "Well, we just got a new kid, and this is basically Daniel, except it's ME!" He exclaimed angrily, exaggerating the word "me" as he pointed to himself.

That froze Nikki and Neil in their place.

"W-what did you say...?" asked Neil wearily.

"Daniel, 'Max Edition'!" said Max blatantly. He was getting more pissed by the second.

For a moment, they remained frozen in silence. Then, out of nowhere-

"Wow!" exclaimed Nikki excitedly. "This is SO COOL! Can we see him?!"

Max was stilled with disbelief. "What?! You WANT to see him!? Do you NOT get the concept of 'Daniel, Max Edition'?! I literally just told you he's a freak that is MORE than likely going to slaughter us all and your first thought is "Hey, let's talk to him'!" Max stated the last sentence with sarcastic happiness. Nikki paid no mind to the obvious mockery.

"Well, yeah!" she replied happily. "They say to get close to the enemy after all, so if we become his friends, we can learn his weaknesses!" She finished her statement with as grim of a smile as she could muster. Max sighed deeply in disappointment.

"Or," Max said, feigning kindness. "How about we stay the fuck away from him? Yeah? Yeah!" Sarcasm had never been more present in his voice. He donned a painfully fake smile as he spoke, slightly hurting his jaw. Regaining his natural composure, Max dropped the smile and looked at Nikki with seriousness.

Nikki sighed, for once in her life defeated. "Alright," she mumbled hesitantly.

Max nodded satisfied. "Thank you! Anyway, let's get out of here before the bastard shows-"

And speak of the Devil there he was. Max froze where he stood as his eyes caught the sight of David and Matt standing before him side by side. David, of course, smiled happily as Matt stood still and silent right next to him. The violet eyes of Matthew continued to pierce Max the way they had only moments earlier, and now they were piercing Neil and Nikki as well. He was so still they could barely tell if he was breathing. Max's initial shock turned to anger again.

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